School Newsletter - Term 1 Week 3 - 2024
Principal's Celebration
Calendar of Events
Cryptosporidiosis Cases on the Rise
Rangeville Prep & Year 1 Parents Support Group
Kids in Space
Scholastic Book Club
Chess Championship
Christian Religious Instruction Update for 2024
Instrumental Music
Solid Pathways-STEM University Experience Day
Student Medication
Allied Health
Sport and Swimming News
Senior Swimming Carnival
Junior Swimming Carnival
Rangeville Environmental Program Club (REP Club)
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Lost Property
Not receiving our emails or SMS messages?
News from the Community
Principal's Celebration
Thank you to the Rangeville students, staff and community for such a warm welcome this week.
It has been a pleasure visiting classrooms and seeing staff work closely with all students to ensure engagement in learning.
I have appreciated family members saying “hello” at the gate in the mornings and look forward to working together to ensure all students Learn, Achieve and Grow.
Class Comms
Our termly Class Comms are on their way home.
I am confident this will provide you with valuable information about your child's education and is a great way for you to stay up-to-date with:
- contact information for your child’s teacher
- the curriculum focus for the term
- days for specialist lessons
- other classroom specific information
We believe in fostering a strong partnership between home and school and are committed to supporting your child in their academic and personal growth.
Before School Expectations
Students are asked to meet from 8:15am in the Covered Play Area unless accompanied by a parent or prior arrangements have been made with the Office. Thank you for assisting us as we continue to implement processes to ensure student safety prior to the start of the school day.
Grip Leadership Excursion
On Thursday 22 February, our Year 6 Leaders will attend the Grip Leadership Conference. This is a unique opportunity for our Leaders to focus on their new roles. Students will engage in presentations, interactive activities, discussion and games.
School Leader Badge Presentation – Formal Uniform
I look forward to being part of the annual Student Leader Induction Ceremony scheduled for Friday 23 February at 9am in the Assembly Hall.
All students in Years 1 – 6 are to wear their formal uniform on Friday 23 February as we recognise our 2024 Student Leaders.
Our Term 1 swimming is well underway with classes engaging in blocks of swimming lessons. Swimming is a compulsory subject and we do expect all students to participate. Our Week 2 & Week 3 classes had great weather for swimming.
There will be no class swimming in Week 4 due to Swimming Carnival Events.
The classes swimming in Week 5 are:
- 4L, 4B, 4M, 2CT, 2O, 2M, 2B
Please ensure your child brings all swimming items to school daily in their swimming week.
Range Zone Swimming
On Monday 12 February, our Range Zone Swimming Team will compete at the Glennie Aquatic Centre. This is a great accomplishment and opportunity for swimmers to showcase their talents and represent our school with pride.
Congratulations and GOOD LUCK to:
· Ava · Thomas · Asher · Amber · Henry · Bonnie · Caitlin · Larni | · Theo · Georgia · Aleah · Ayrton · Hudson · Munro · Henry · Hugo · Lexie | · Ruby · Grace · Charley · Archer · Isabel · Liam · Evie · Marcus · Leon | · Felix · Ava · Rex · Cooper · Gilbert · Healey · Milla · Harper |
Junior & Senior Swimming Carnivals
On Wednesday 14 February, students born 2014 and 2015 will compete at the Junior Swimming Carnival.
On Thursday 15 February, students born 2012 and 2013 will complete at the Senior Swimming Carnival.
The program for the days will be emailed by Monday evening.
P&C Association Meeting
During our handover, Mr Kidd spoke very highly of the ongoing and supportive relationship between the P&C Association and school. I encourage you to consider attending our meetings in 2024.
The next P&C Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 13th February at 6:30pm in the Resource Room. I look forward to seeing you there.
Have a great week!
Calendar of Events
Monday 12 February | Range Zone Swimming Carnival (9 - 12 Years, Selected Swimmers Only) |
Tuesday 13 February | Darling Downs Golf Trials (Boys & Girls 10 - 12 Years) P&C Meeting |
Wednesday 14 February | RSS Junior Swimming Carnival (9-10 Year Old Students - Students born 2015 & 2014). Wet weather alternative day 16/02/2024 if needed |
Thursday 15 February | RSS Junior Swimming Carnival (11-12 Year Old Students - Students born 2013 & 2012). Wet weather alternative day 16/02/2024 if needed |
Monday 19 February | Swimming Block Year 1 and Year 2 |
Tuesday 20 February | Zone Netball Trials (Boys & Girls 11-12 Years) |
Wednesday 21 February | Zone Netball Trials (Boys & Girls 11-12 Years) |
Thursday 22 February | Range Zone Softball Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) Grip Leadership Excursion for Year 6 School Leaders Only |
Friday 23 February | School Leader Badge Presentation |
Monday 26 February | Year 1 Swimming Block |
Wednesday 28 February | Darling Downs Swimming Carnival (9-12 Years) |
Thursday 29 February | Chaplaincy Meeting |
Sunday 3 March | Range Zone Rugby League Trials (Boys 10-12 Years) |
Monday 4 March | Range Zone Basketball Trials (Girls 10-12 Years) Prep PE Block |
Tuesday 5 March | Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship |
Wednesday 6 March | Range Zone Basketball Trials (Boys 10-12 Years) |
Thursday 7 March | Darling Downs Orienteering Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) Darling Downs Squash Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Friday 8 March | Prep & Under 8's Day |
Monday 11 March | Darling Downs Netball Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Tuesday 12 March | Darling Downs AFL Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) P&C Annual General Meeting |
Friday 15 March | Rangeville SS Harmony Day |
Sunday 17 March | Range Zone Touch Football Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Tuesday 19 March | Parent Teacher Interviews |
Wednesday 20 March | St Mary's College Showband Performance at RSS |
Thursday 21 March | RSS Whole School Cross Country Carnival (wet weather alternative day 26/03/24) |
Friday 22 March | Year 6 Amaroo Excursion |
Monday 25 March | RSS Instrumental Music Stings Techniques Workshops |
Tuesday 26 March | Darling Downs Basketball Trials (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Wednesday 27 March | Year 6 Amaroo Excursion |
Thursday 28 March | CHSHS Music Immersion Day and Concert |
Friday 29 March | Good Friday Public Holiday |
Saturday 30 March | Easter Saturday |
Sunday 31 March | Easter Sunday |
Monday 1 April | Easter Monday |
Monday 15 April | Term 2 Commences |
Cryptosporidiosis Cases on the Rise
The Darling Downs Public Health Unit has advised us of a recent increase in cases of Cryptosporidiosis across the region. Whilst spring and summer peaks in this disease are typical, the forecast for a hot dry summer may increase the risk of cryptosporidium outbreaks.
Cryptosporidiosis is a highly infectious diarrhoeal illness that can affect people of all ages. Aquatic facility users, especially children, can be at risk through contaminated pool water, contaminated surfaces or through person-to-person contact.
How is it spread?
Cryptosporidiosis is spread through ingestion of anything contaminated by the faeces of an infected person or animal. Aquatic facility users can be infected through contaminated pool water, contaminated surfaces or through person-to-person contact. In aquatic facilities, faecal accidents and shedding of faecal matter from bathers are recognised risks for spread of Cryptosporidium.
How long can people shed Cryptosporidium?
An infected person will excrete Cryptosporidium during the illness and for up to 14 days after a diarrhoea illness and other symptoms have settled. During this time, they may introduce contaminated faecal matter into the water, causing contamination.
Please follow the guidelines and ensure your child does not attend swimming lessons for 14 days after a diarrhoeal illness.
Rangeville Prep & Year 1 Parents Support Group
Kids in Space
Scholastic Book Club
For those families new to Book Club, please note the following information:
- There are 8 issues of Book Club each year (2 per term);
- Book Club LOOP is linked to our school and allows you to order and pay for your child's Book Club order online;
- There is no need to send the order form to school once you have placed your order online;
- No cash orders;
- Orders arrive back at school approximately 1-2 weeks after Book Club closes;
- Every purchase you make through Scholastic Book Club ears the school Scholastic Rewards (20% on all orders) that is used to purchase books for the school library.
- Download the Book Club LOOP app or order online via LOOP:
Chess Championship
The Toowoomba District Chess Championship will be held on Tuesday 5 March 2024. Mrs Prue Cunningham will supervise a group of Rangeville students at the event. Parents will be responsible for transport to and from Toowoomba Anglican School. The cost to participate is $20. Further information can be found at the Toowoomba Chess Club website.
Please email Prue at if your child would like to compete.
Christian Religious Instruction Update for 2024
Dear families of Rangeville State School, my name is (Mrs) Alex Todd, and I am a volunteer coordinating Christian Religious Instruction. Students in Years 1-6 may participate in a weekly, 30-minute, age-appropriate and engaging lesson, that reinforces Queensland Education core values of responsibility, understanding, respect, tolerance, inclusion, integrity, positive self-image, freedom, compassion and caring. Students are encouraged to develop positive values on topics such as thankfulness, forgiveness and hope. Lessons can include story-telling, drama, interactive discussion, music and craft.
Instrumental Music
We extend a warm welcome to Mr Naden Gray, our newest addition to the Instrumental Music team.
Instrumental music lessons commenced in Week 2, while ensembles will begin Week 3.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Mrs Jensen and Mr Gray | Mr Gray | Mrs Johansen Afternoon | Mrs Johansen | Mrs Johansen | |
Before School 7:45am | Senior Concert Band | Junior Concert Band | Senior Strings | Junior Strings | |
Lunch 1pm | Beginner Band (Start Week 5) | Stage Band | Chamber Strings | Orchestra | Year 4 Strings |
Kindly ensure your email and QParent account information is up to date. If you need assistance with QParents, our administrative staff are always happy to help.
Solid Pathways-STEM University Experience Day
Our Solid Pathways-STEM team were invited to attend a full day of STEM experiences at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to meet their online teachers and peers, engage in hands-on learning experiences and to gain an insight into university life. The students were engaged in a physics challenge, making a closed circuit with potatoes to light a bulb. They then tried their hands at encoding and decoding in the engineering department with Lego. This sent their maths brains alight and mine in melt-down. The afternoon session involved exploring the amazing Maker Space and the endless possibilities of 3D Printing. Our Solid Pathways students represented our school with pride and demonstrated outstanding enthusiasm for active participation and team work.
Student Medication
If your child requires medication whilst at school, please ensure prescribed medications, asthma puffers, Epipens and current Action Plans are brought to the school administration building as soon as possible. You will be asked to complete a new Consent to Administer Medication Form when you handover medications. You are welcome to fill in the form at the office or find it below.
Allied Health
Does your student access therapy during school hours?
Do you need to arrive late or leave early to attend a therapy appointment?
Has the therapy appointment time changed since you notified us at the start of the year?
Please notify the office of any changes to therapy times or ask for a 2024 Allied Health Professional Information form as soon as possible.
Sport and Swimming News
Upcoming Sports Trials- interested students aged 10-12 Years are to register their interest to nominate in the below sports to Mr Morris by Wednesday 31 January. A in-school trial may need to happen prior to these trials if the interest is high. A high level of skill and knowledge in the sports listed is required.
Students will then receive the required forms and information for these trials.
- Golf Trials- Darling Downs Trials Tuesday 13 February
- Netball Trials- Toowoomba Schools- Tuesday 20 February & Wednesday 21 February
- Softball Trials- Toowoomba Schools- Thursday 22 February
A comprehensive list of the rest of the trials will be communicated to parents in the near future. This communication will detail the trial process which is to be followed.
Range Zone Swimming - 12 February. These trials are to be held at The Glennie Aquatic Centre. Selected students will receive their selected events and consent forms on Monday 29 January. Selected students will be required to ben transported to and from the venue via private transport. No Bus will be operating for this event.
Swimming Carnivals
Junior Carnival - 9 & 10 Years (students born 2015 & 2014) - Wednesday 14 February
Senior Carnival - 11 & 12 Years (students born 2013 & 2012) - Thursday 15 February
Event overviews/timetable and nomination forms will be going home on paper with students on Monday 29 January. An email will also be sent to families. Nomination forms will be required to be completed and returned to your child’s classroom teacher by Wednesday 7 February.
Swimming Lessons
Please keep an eye out for swimming consent forms being sent home via QParents. If you do not have an active QParents account, paper consent forms will be available from the office. Children will not be able to participate in swimming lessons until consent has been provided.
Week | Classes and Swimming Lesson Times (30 minute lesson) |
Week 2 | 9.20-9.50am: 5C, 9.50-10.20am: 5MF, 10.20-10.50am: 5CF, 11.30-12.00pm: 5E, 12.00-12.30pm: 3C, 12.30-1.00pm: 3R & 1.50-2.20pm: 5P |
Week 3 | 9.20-9.50am: 6H, 9.50-10.20am: 6AB, 10.20-10.50am: 6BT, 11.30-12.00pm: 6T, 12.00-12.30pm: 3W, 12.30-1.00pm: 3L & 1.50-2.20pm: 4MR |
Week 5: | 9.20-9.50am:4L, 9.50-10.20am: 4B, 10.20-10.50am: 4M, 11.30-12.00pm: 2CT, 12.00-12.30pm: 2O, 12.30-1.00pm: 2M & 1.50-2.20pm: 2B |
Week 6: | 9.50-10.20am: 1HO, 10.20-10.50am: 1O, 11.30-12.00pm: 1CH, 12.00-12.30pm: 1C, & 12.30-1.00pm: 1L |
Swimming lessons will commence next week for the following classes. This year there will be no cost to families for swimming lessons. Rangeville State School will cover all the costs associated with the program.
Please also note that Prep classes will not be swimming in Term 1.
Senior Swimming Carnival
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please read the information below which will detail the arrangements for this year’s Senior Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Activity: Senior Interhouse Swimming Carnival- 11 & 12 Years
Eligibility: 11 Years- Students born 2013
12 Years: Students born 2012
Date: Thursday 15 February (Wet weather- Friday 16 February))
Time: 8:50am-2:55pm (Normal lunch break times apply)
Session 1: 8:50-10:50am | Session 2- 11:30-1:00pm | Session 3- 1:40-2:55pm |
- 100m Freestyle (Open Event) - 25m Butterfly - 50m Butterfly - 12.5m Butterfly Novelty - 25m Backstroke - 50m Backstroke - 12.5m Backstroke Novelty | - 100m Individual Medley (Open Event) - 25m Freestyle - 50m Freestyle - 12.5m Freestyle Novelty | - 50m Breaststroke - 25m Breaststroke - 12.5m Breaststroke Novelty - 4 x 25m Freestyle Relays Teams selected based on fastest times from Session 2. - Presentations House Trophy Winners Age Champions |
Nomination Policy:
- Students are assessed and selected for their events during their swimming lessons.
- Students cannot swim in the 25m & 50m of the same.
- Confirmation of student nominations will be communicated to classes/students/parents by Monday 12 February.
- A novelty event has been introduced at the end of each stroke to give students an opportunity to participate provided they haven’t swum in the 25m or 50m of the same stroke. Students don’t have to nominate for the novelty races.
Photography: As not all families within our school have given consent for their child to be photographed at school events, we ask that parents refrain from taking group photos or videos at the swimming carnival. Parents are welcome to take photos of their own child ensuring that no other students are in the background. We appreciate your support in protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all Rangeville SS students.
Best of luck to all competitors!
HPE- Tony Morris
Junior Swimming Carnival
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please read the information below which will detail the arrangements for this year’s Junior Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Activity: Junior Interhouse Swimming Carnival- 9 & 10 Years
Eligibility: 9 Years- Students born 2015
10 Years: Students born 2014
Date: Wednesday 14th February
Time: 8:50am-2:55pm (Normal lunch break times apply)
Session 1: 8:50-10:50am | Session 2- 11:30-1:00pm | Session 3- 1:40-2:55pm |
- 100m Freestyle (Open Event) - 25m Butterfly - 50m Butterfly - 12.5m Butterfly Novelty - 25m Backstroke - 50m Backstroke - 12.5m Backstroke Novelty | - 100m Individual Medley (Open Event) - 25m Freestyle - 50m Freestyle - 12.5m Freestyle Novelty | - 50m Breaststroke - 25m Breaststroke - 12.5m Breaststroke Novelty - 4 x 25m Freestyle Relays Teams selected based on fastest times from Session 2. - Presentations House Trophy Winners Age Champions |
Nomination Policy- Students will complete this process in their swimming lessons.
Classes 4L, 4B & 4M will need to nominate for events on a paper nomination form as their lesson is after their swimming lessons.
- Students cannot swim in the 25m & 50m of the same
- Confirmation of student nominations will be communicated to classes/students/parents on Monday 12 February.
- A novelty event has been introduced at the end of each stroke to give students an opportunity to participate permitted they haven’t swum in the 25m or 50m of the same stroke. Students don’t have to nominate for the novelty races.
Photography: As not all families within our school have given consent for their child to be photographed at school events, we ask that parents refrain from taking group photos or videos at the swimming carnival. Parents are welcome to take photos of their own child ensuring that no other students are in the background. We appreciate your support in protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all Rangeville SS students.
Best of luck to all competitors!
HPE- Tony Morris
Rangeville Environmental Program Club (REP Club)
For more information regarding REP Club or to register your child's attendance, please contact the school via email or phone (07) 4617 7333.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- consent forms
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
In addition to the information provided, it's important to note that the QParents portal only sends invoices to the parent/carer who is responsible for 100% of the student's school fees. This means that if there are multiple parents or carers who share responsibility for fees, only one of them will receive the invoice through the portal. It's important for parents and carers to communicate and coordinate payment arrangements if they are sharing the responsibility for fees.
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Your child's EQID can also be found on your child's Semester Report Card.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Our next Meeting will be Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30pm in the Resource Room.
If you are interested in joining the P&C Team, membership forms are available from the website or email us at and one will be forwarded to you.
We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you.
See our P&C website for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
Contact details:
Phone P&C Ops Office: 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
We are always seeking volunteers who can help with fundraising events or to help us with different things such as sorting lost property. If you want to know more about how you can help us please let us know, we can be contacted via the Facebook page, email or call the office and they can forward your message to us.
Thank you to all of those that have supported and made contributions to our school and the P & C.
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week. We are always looking for volunteers so please let us know if you are interested.
For those who are new to Flexischools and need help navigating the system, please click the link below for further instructions.
Uniform Shop
2024 Operating Hours
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 9:00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2:30pm – 3:15pm |
If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or phone Nicky on (07) 4617 7333.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
New Educators
The last couple of weeks we have not only had many new families enrol and start with us at ROSHC but we have welcomed some new staff members as well. Please be sure to introduce yourself to Aidan. He will be here some afternoons and throughout vacation care. Kim and Tahnee will be on before and after school care shifts and throughout vacation care. They are all extremely enthusiastic and bring many different skills and attributes to our ever-growing team. They have really been enjoying their time getting to know all the children and the ins and outs of working in OSHC.
Cooking with children
The children really enjoy the baking session in the room on different days every week however we can only do this if we have the ideas. We like to try new things out for afternoon tea so please if you have a recipe that your children enjoy let us know so we can add it to our list.
New enrolments or updating enrolment
If you are wanting to enrol children for 2024 before care/after care or vacation care please send our office an email at and we will send you through our enrolment forms, fees structure, parent handbook, children’s handbook and the booking app xplor information. If any of your personal information has changed, please email all changes through and we will update them in our system.
Please be aware you will only be able to make bookings if you have your account all set up with us, so please ensure you have finished the enrolment process first. If you would like permanent bookings, email our office and we can arrange those bookings for you in xplor. If you are wanting casual bookings this is done via the xplor app and you will be notified of the outcome via the app and an email or phone call if unable to accept the booking. If you are unsure on how to do casual bookings please come and see the office educators and we can help you, or alternatively all the information on this is in the setup of the xplor app.
If you have a booking at the service and your child goes home early from school, is absent or not coming for either BSC or ASC please let us know via your Xplor app (preferred option) or email as soon as possible.
Lost Property
If your child has misplaced any personal items, we kindly ask you to check their classrooms or stop by our Lost and Found area, conveniently located on the verandah near the Uniform Shop. This is where we gather and keep items that might have been left behind in classrooms, on the playground, or elsewhere around the school.
For more precious items like glasses and watches, our administration office is the place to go, as we securely store them there. Our administration office is currently located in P Block.
Labeling your child's belongings with their name and class can be a tremendous help in reuniting lost items with their owners. Please keep in mind that any unclaimed items at the end of each term will be collected and removed. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Not receiving our emails or SMS messages?
If you've recently changed your contact details like email address, mobile number, home address, family circumstances, workplace, or emergency contacts, please reach out to us at or give us a call at 4617 7333. This way, we can ensure your information is current and keep you in the loop. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.
You are invited to
Date: April 12th, 2024
Show Times: 12pm and 2pm
Cost: FREE
Location: Peter Roarke Auditorium
O'Brien Road, Highfields Cultural Centre, Highfields, QLD, Australia, 4352
The Highfields Cultural Centre is a lively hub of activity, located in O’Brien Road, Highfields. The purpose-built function and events centre caters for conferences, weddings, trade shows, private functions and theatrical performances. Located behind the Highfields Village Shopping Centre, it boasts a secluded position within lush, tree surrounds. There are more than 60, free, on-site parking spaces and a bus service is just a short stroll away.
Razzmatazz has been organized as a special outing to bring some joy and laughter to the children, teenagers and families who have been having a hard time due to illness, disabilities or other health related issues. This also includes those who may be experiencing emotional and/or financial difficulties.
We believe, your school assists or comes into contact with children/teenagers or adults dealing with the above issues and you may like to offer them the opportunity to attend this show FREE of charge due to the kindness of the Toowoomba business community and the Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia.
We will do our best to provide you with all the tickets you request, however we are limited in the number of tickets available, therefore we cannot guarantee you will receive all the tickets you request until orders have been received. Tickets will be sent 2 weeks prior to the show at the latest. The show is recommended as suitable for the ages of 2 years and above.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to send an email to, or Call Rae on (07) 3810 2587 (MON – WED, 10AM-2PM)