School Newsletter - Term 4 Week 1 - 2023
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Communication Prodecures in Emergencies
Term 4 Swimming
Prep Enrolments for 2024
Get Set for Prep Transition Morning
Music News
Darling Downs Oral Health - School Dental
Toowoomba Teams Chess Championships
Guidance Officer News
Mad Food Science: The Root Cause
Book Club
Upcoming: Information Sessions for Parents – PBL (Behaviour)
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Lost Property
Not receiving our emails or SMS messages?
News from the Community
Principal's News
Welcome Back to Term 4. I hope that everyone had a restful break and is looking forward to a busy and exciting end to the year where we all Finish Strong. Welcome to our new families across the school who have joined the Rangeville family for this term. We know that your time at Rangeville will be rewarding. Congratulations to all of our classes who have begun the term with such positivity and excitement and have been doing such a great job at following our E-PBL Great Eight Expectations. It’s great to be back!
Rangeville’s E- PBL Great Eight Expectations – Term 4 2023
This term we have started strong by focusing on our Great Eight basic of our E-PBL Expectations. We are focussing on the below Great Eight Expectations to ensure our school, students, staff and community Finish Strong ensuring We Are Safe, Respectful and Learners.
To Finish Strong we need everyone’s help and support including our wonderful community.
Congratulations to our whole school for the way in which we have embraced these Great Eight Expectations – already there has been a noticeable difference acros all areas of our school and I thank everyone for their support and commitment to ensuring our school is Learning, Achieving and Growing every day.
Rangeville’s E-PBL Great Eight Expectation |
1. Walking on ALL hard surfaces |
2. Transitions around the school – two lines, pre-taught stopping points, planned placement of students requiring support, minimal noise, teacher actively supervising from either middle or back of lines. Walking on the left on pathways and stairs. |
3. Uniform – hair tied back, hair accessories to be school colours, hair (if dyed) to be natural colour, clear finger nail polish only, blue/navy jumpers only, plain navy/blue shorts, school shirt or red polo, minimal jewellery (watches, earrings (sleepers/studs only for pierced ears, necklaces for medical/religious reasons only)
4. No Hats, No Play – if no hat then students are to go to the various areas throughout the school that has been designated for the students to go to and sit. |
5. Lunch boxes at Eating Area – lunch boxes to be put in a designated boxes and correct area before leaving for play. Eating area cleaned before play, pick up rubbish in immediate area and check full area. |
6. Right Place, Right Time: Correct area for Before & After School, Eating, Play & the Toilets
7. Port Racks – all bags in a named space, hats, lunch boxes, jumpers etc in school bags that are zipped shut after each break, musical instruments in a place that does not block walkway, absence of rubbish/scrap paper/books etc lying on the ground |
8. Tidy Trays – organised and clean, sheets organised (either pasted into books or in a folder). |
Our Great Eight Expectations
South Street Road Closure – Advanced Warning - Please Be Prepared
Recently we had advised that a scheduled temporary loading zone closure would occur from Monday 9 October to Thursday 12 October, 2023.
However, there has been a change in plans. Toowoomba Regional Council has advised us that they need to perform a partial road closure between High Street and Connor Street, Rangeville to ensure the safety of everyone working on the project, rather than using the loading zones.
Therefore, the new proposed dates of the closure will now be from Tuesday 17 October to Thursday 19 October inclusive. The operational hours for our works within this road closure will be Toowoomba Regional Council's normal working hours, from 6:30am to 5:30pm.
We understand that this change may cause inconveniences for our community members, especially those who rely on these areas for various purposes. Toowoomba Regional Council has apologised for any disruption this may cause to your daily routines and travel plans. During this period, we kindly ask all families and visitors to plan ahead and consider alternative arrangements for accessing the school.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
2024 Student Enrolments
Thanks to the many parents who have already completed our enrolment forms for their 2024 Prep child. We currently have lower than expected in catchment enrolments enrolled for Prep next year. Our online enrolment forms are our preferred enrolment method which is available on our website and once completed our wonderful admin staff are able to provide you with an enrolment interview ASAP. If you’d like a paper copy, please contact the office to collect one and to begin the process for enrolment.
We also have a number of limited enrolment spaces for all grades for 2024, so please let your friends, neighbours and or relatives know.
Notification of Intent
During Term 4, we undergo the process of planning for 2024, including formation of classes. If your child will not be attending Rangeville State School next year, please contact the school office in writing using the following email address: as soon as practical. It is important that you notify us of the school to which your child will be transferring to as well.
Calendar of Events
Tuesday 3 October | First Day of Term 4 |
Friday 6 October | CHSHS Spring Music Showcase |
Tuesday 10 October | Get Set for Prep Transition Morning |
Wednesday 11 October | Year 1 Amaroo Excursion |
Friday 13 October | Online Services Consent Form Due |
Monday 16 October | 2B & 2CT Amaroo Excursion |
Tuesday 17 October | 2M & 2O Amaroo Excursion |
Friday 20 October | Chaplaincy Meeting |
Wednesday 25 October | Year 5 Emu Gully Camp |
Thursday 26 October | Year 5 Emu Gully Camp |
Friday 27 October | Year 5 Emu Gully Camp |
Wednesday 1 November | School Performance Tour - BMX Tick Bike Show (Prep - Year 6) |
Friday 3 November | Get Set for Prep Transition Morning |
Friday 10 November | Rangeville State School Remembrance Day Service |
Monday 13 November | End of Year Instrumental Music Concert |
Tuesday 14 November | P&C Meeting |
Monday 20 November | RSS Junior Swimming Carnival |
Thursday 23 November | Year 6 Graduation |
Monday 27 November | Year 6 School Camp |
Tuesday 28 November | Year 6 School Camp |
Wednesday 29 November | Year 6 School Camp |
Thursday 30 November | Year 6 School Camp |
Friday 1 December | Year 6 School Camp |
Monday 4 December | RSS Rep Swimming Trials (50m & 100m events only) for 8-11 year old students |
Tuesday 5 December | RSS Transition Day |
Wednesday 6 December | Can't Stop the Music |
Friday 8 December | Year 6 Social Day |
Monday 22 January | Term 1, 2024 Commences |
Communication Prodecures in Emergencies
From the beginning of Term 4, we are trailing new communication procedures during emergencies at Rangeville State School. When we enter into a lockdown, emergency evacuation or drill, you will receive an SMS notification from the school. It is important that during a lockdown or emergency evacuation that you do not contact the school as phone lines need to remain open for emergency services. When the threat or drill has passed, you will receive an all-clear SMS notification from the school.
Term 4 Swimming
Here is the daily lesson swimming block timetable for Term 4 Swimming:
Week 3 | 6RM | 6RL | 6B | 6H | 5CH | 5I | 5P |
Week 4 | 3W | 4B | 4C | 4M | 3C | 3HF | |
Week 5 | 4L | 3/4BM | 3R | 2CT | 2O | 2M | 2B |
Week 6 | 5C | 1O | 1C | 1B | 1L | PTG | |
Week 7 | PH | PG | PHO | PF |
Prep Enrolments for 2024
If you have a Prep aged child to enrol at school for 2023 and have not already done so, please complete an online enrolment form here or phone 4617 7333 as soon as possible. Places for Prep are limited and we are interviewing now.
Get Set for Prep Transition Morning
On behalf of the Rangeville family, we warmly invite you and your child to our Get Set for Prep morning on Tuesday 10 October starting at 9:15 am. Registration for attendance at this event can be completed here: Event Registration Link
Please arrive at the Administration Block (off High Street), where our school leaders will transition you and your child to the Prep classrooms where you can sign in.
Anticipation is building, and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing you and your child at the 2024 Get Set for Prep morning!
Music News
End of Year Instrumental Music Concert
Due to a clash with the Centenary Heights Awards Night, the Rangeville State School Instrumental Music Concert will now take place on Monday 13 November 2023. All Rangeville Ensembles will be performing. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. More details will be sent home via the Instrumental Music Teachers.
Darling Downs Oral Health - School Dental
Darling Downs Oral Health are currently offering the free School Dental Service to students at Rangeville State School. The treatment will be completed in the Rangeville School Dental Clinic located in South Street, Rangeville. Darling Downs Oral Health has a new call centre number 1300 082 662 (select option 3 for School Dental). Consent forms will be coming home for Year 3, 4 and 5 students next week. Please return forms to the administration office by Tuesday 24 October and the call centre will contact you via SMS to book an appointment.
Toowoomba Teams Chess Championships
It was a great pleasure to take 21 Rangeville students to the Toowoomba Teams Chess Championships to compete in the junior and senior sections. They all showed great sportsmanship and represented our school well whether they won or lost. All teams displayed a great positive attitude throughout the day. One of our teams came 13th in the open section competing with clocks for the whole time.
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding 'Queensland Mental Health Week', courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Mad Food Science: The Root Cause
Please see the attached articles regarding '3 Outstanding Orange Foods' and '3 More Brilliant Rainbow Colours' courtesy of our Health Teacher, Jodie Rigby.
Book Club
Issue #7 Book Club catalogues have arrived and will be sent home with students today.
The Due Date for orders is Monday 23/10/2023.
Upcoming: Information Sessions for Parents – PBL (Behaviour)
We are excited to announce upcoming information sessions on key aspects of PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning), which is an essential part of our curriculum at Rangeville State School. These free sessions will be held twice a term, on Tuesday afternoons in week 5 and 9, from 2:15-2:45pm (see dates below).
Our focus during these sessions is to share the principles of each topic based on research, show how the school implement these practices, reflect on ways this can be adapted to home, and allow for question-and-answer time.
Please email Nelson McGrath if you are interested in attending any of the sessions or if you have any further questions.
Date | Term and Week | Topic |
31/10/23 | Term 4, Week 5 | Corrective Strategies |
28/11/23 | Term 4, Week 9 | Bullying |
We look forward to seeing you at these sessions, and thank you for your ongoing support.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- consent forms
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
In addition to the information provided, it's important to note that the QParents portal only sends invoices to the parent/carer who is responsible for 100% of the student's school fees. This means that if there are multiple parents or carers who share responsibility for fees, only one of them will receive the invoice through the portal. It's important for parents and carers to communicate and coordinate payment arrangements if they are sharing the responsibility for fees.
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Our next P&C Meeting is on Tuesday 10 October in the Resource Room starting at 6:30 pm.
Here's the Teams Link for those who would like to join online, accessible via your computer, mobile app, or room device:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 432 335 456 488
Passcode: 88JHB
P&C Team, membership forms are available from the website or email us at and one will be forwarded to you.
We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you.
See our P&C website for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
Contact details:
Phone P&C Ops Office: 07 4617 7354
Referendum Voting Day
The P&C are hosting a BBQ on the 14th October. We are calling for volunteers and donations of baked goods, bread, sausages or soft drinks. We are also looking for someone who has experience operating a coffee machine if possible.
If you are available to help or want more information please email
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
Rangeville Outside School Hours Care
Services are available for families if you need before school care, after school care or vacation care. If you want to know more about what is available, please contact the staff located in the Big Hall (W Block). There is also information on the P&C website
We are always seeking volunteers who can help with fundraising events or to help us with different things such as sorting lost property. If you want to know more about how you can help us please let us know, we can be contacted via the Facebook page, email or call the office and they can forward your message to us.
Thank you to all of those that have supported and made contributions to our school and the P & C.
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week. We are looking for volunteers for 2023, so please let us know if you are interested.
For those who are new to Flexischools and need help navigating the system, please click the link below for further instructions.
Uniform Shop
2023 Operating Hours
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 9:00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2:30pm – 3:15pm |
If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or phone Nicky on (07) 4617 7333.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Vacation Care Fun
These school holidays at ROSHC saw many activities that had the children talking. The excursion to Jondaryan Woolshed had many children excited and although it was a very hot day it did not disappoint. The children were fascinated to see the old classroom and how it was set up with slate boards and chalk instead of paper and pencils. There were lots of laughs from the children when the people showing us around explained what a day looked like for them at school and how very different it is now. The children then learned about Clydesdale horses and they each got a handful of hay to feed to one of the Clydesdales. We then moved around to the petting zoo area where the children took some time out in the shade and played with some of the animals. All the children then went to the little steam train and were told all about steam trains before all getting a turn to have a ride. We then stopped to watch some sheep dog trials and were told all about working dogs, we went onto see some sheep shearing to which they had many questions for the man shearing the sheep and he was all too happy to answer and sent all the children home with some wool. Lastly the children had some whip cracking demonstrations and all the children got to crack a child size whip to which they were all impressed with giving a go. We also had a juke box and jumping castle incursion that was a big hit and have had many children asking for this again as they had so much fun. We went for a trip to the movies which is always a good morning out and we had Bazil Grumble come back for a visit and put on a big puppet show to which there were many laughs and all the children made a puppet to take home. The children also had many sensory crafts, big ROSHC Olympics that had children excited for their wins, a colour run, scavenger hunts, lots of cooking activities for all the little chefs and many of their favourite group games. It was a busy vacation care for all and we had a ball. Educators are already onto planning the next one, can’t wait to see what ideas we get from all the children, please if you have an idea you would like to run by us see the ROSHC office staff. We love getting the family input.
Absentees during the term
If you have a booking at the service and your child goes home early from school, is absent or not coming for either BSC or ASC please let us know via your xplor app (preferred option) or email as soon as possible.
Lost Property
If your child has misplaced any personal items, we kindly ask you to check their classrooms or stop by our Lost and Found area, conveniently located on the verandah near the Uniform Shop. This is where we gather and keep items that might have been left behind in classrooms, on the playground, or elsewhere around the school.
Right now, our Lost and Found is brimming with lunchboxes and water bottles, so if your child is missing any of these, we encourage you to have a quick look there. For more precious items like glasses and watches, our administration office is the place to go, as we securely store them there.
Labeling your child's belongings with their name and class can be a tremendous help in reuniting lost items with their owners. Please keep in mind that any unclaimed items at the end of each term will be collected and removed. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Not receiving our emails or SMS messages?
If you've recently changed your contact details like email address, mobile number, home address, family circumstances, workplace, or emergency contacts, please reach out to us at or give us a call at 4617 7333. This way, we can ensure your information is current and keep you in the loop. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.