School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 3 - 2023
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
100 Days of Prep!
Prep Enrolments for 2024
Year 5 Cultural Day
Book Week
Guidance Officer News
NAB AFL Auskick
Free Prep Vision Screening
Carbal Health Hearing Screening
Darling Downs Oral Health - School Dental
Dreamtime Games
Date Change for Year 6 Brisbane STEM & Chinese Excursion Day
Fairplay Vouchers
Upcoming: Information Sessions for Parents – PBL (Behaviour)
ICAS Assessments Parent Payment System (PPS)
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Lost Property
Have your details changed?
News from the Community
Principal's News
We have certainly hit the ground running in Term 3 2023. Our Year 5 and 6 students were very excited to attend Friday Afternoon Sport. Thank you to our families with their efforts in completing the permission forms and paying for bus transport. We greatly appreciate your efforts and continued support.
Toowoomba Eisteddfod 2023
This week the annual Toowoomba Eisteddfod has begun. Last night our Instrumental Music Department conducted by Mrs Johanssen achieved outstanding results. A big thanks to Mr Smith and Mr Henry for assisting with the Orchestra. A tremendous achievement and start to our Eisteddfod program and something that our students, community and staff can be very proud of – We are a GREAT STATE SCHOOL!
Section 414 Primary School Orchestra
1st place – Rangeville State School Orchestra
Section 451 Primary School Beginner String Ensemble
1st place – Rangeville State School Super Strings
3rd place – Rangeville State School Poco Players
Section 448 Primary School String Ensemble
1st place – Rangeville State School Senior Strings Ensemble
Highly Commended – Rangeville State School Junior Strings Ensemble
Section 450 Primary School Small String Ensemble
1st place – Rangeville State School Chamber Strings A (Year Six)
2nd place – Rangeville State School Chamber Strings B (Year Five)
Arrival Time At School
While we recognise that the current beautiful Winter weather may be making it a little harder for children to get up and get organised for school each day, it is nonetheless important that all students arrive at school before the first bell each morning to support their readiness to learn. Students arriving after the first bell at 8.45am, which then requires them to rush to class and be less organised as they become more anxious at the start of the day. We would kindly ask that every effort is made for children to be on time for school each day.
School Opinion Survey Information
School Opinion Surveys 2023 - The annual School Opinion Survey has been initiated by the Department of Education and will be open and will be available to all parents for participation until the 18 August 2023. Unlike the Opinion Survey of previous years, the process for participation is not being managed by schools, but rather is being distributed digitally by the Education Dept to all school families via the email address you had provided at the time of your child’s enrolment (or alternate if you’ve since updated it). I invite your participation when you have some time to complete the survey – you will be welcome to contact me should you have any queries or require clarification or further information regarding the survey questions. Many thanks – your opinion is taken seriously and impacts of planning and programming now and into the future.
Friday 1 September is a gazetted Student Free Day. The day is intended for professional development and collaboration. As part of an agreement developed with the Local Consultative Committee earlier this year, staff have participated in a range of activities outside school hours and, as a result, will not be in attendance on this day.
Calendar of Events
Monday 31 July | During the week of 31 July to August 4, 2023, the Year Two cohort will be participating in the Littlescribe Writing Festival as part of our English curriculum. |
Wednesday 2 August | Dreamtime Games at Rangeville State School |
Monday 7 August | Range Zone Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Tuesday 8 August | Year 6 Brisbane STEM & Chinese Excursion Day 6RM & 6RL |
Wednesday 9 August | Dreamtime Games at Rangeville State School |
Friday 11 August | Multi-class (AWD) DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Monday 14 August | ICAS English Testing Window Opens |
Monday 21 August | ICAS Science & Spelling Bee Testing Window Opens |
Wednesday 23 August | DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 Years) |
Thursday 24 August | Year 6 Brisbane STEM & Chinese Excursion Day 6H & 6B |
Friday 25 August | Book Week Parade (Parents and Grandparents welcome to attend) |
Monday 28 August | ICAS Mathematics Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 29 August | Toowoomba District Primary School Teams Chess Championship |
Wednesday 30 August | Carbal Hearing Health Screening |
Thursday 31 August | RSS Junior Athletics Carnival |
Friday 1 September | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 5 September | Parent Teacher Interviews |
Monday 11 September | School Musical |
Thursday 14 September | R U OK Day |
Friday 15 September | Last Day of Term 3 |
Monday 2 October | Public Holiday |
Tuesday 3 October | First Day of Term 4 |
100 Days of Prep!
Here is Prep TG celebrating 100 days of school, a milestone marked by beaming smiles, costumes and a passion for learning.
Guided by dedicated teachers, our Rangeville State School Prep students have grown in confidence, mastering new skills and fostering curiosity. As they celebrate in this occasion, we cheer to their boundless potential and the exciting educational journey that lay ahead! Happy 100 days of school!
Prep Enrolments for 2024
If you have a Prep aged child to enrol at school for 2023 and have not already done so, please complete an online enrolment form here or phone 4617 7333 as soon as possible. Places for Prep are limited and we are interviewing now.
Year 5 Cultural Day
Year 5 Cultural Day was on 18 July 2023. Lecturers and teachers from Confucius Institute of QUT came from Brisbane to conduct cultural activities for our Year 5 students. They learnt about the Chinese tea ceremony and drank some Chinese tea. They also practised a Mongolian dance, had a go at the diabolo and painted cherry blossoms using straws and cotton buds. All in all, it was a fun and meaningful day for students to experience the rich and vibrant culture of China.
Book Week
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding 'International Friendship Day', courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
NAB AFL Auskick
Free Prep Vision Screening
Free vision screening will be made available to our Rangeville State School Prep cohort on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 October. Please scan the QR code below to complete your child’s
consent form by Friday, 6 October 2023 to secure their place.
Carbal Health Hearing Screening
Carbal Health will be providing hearing screenings at Rangeville State School on Wednesday 30 August 2023.
We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity by completing the consent form and submitting it to the school office no later than Friday 25 August 2023.
Carbal will handle all invoicing directly with families. Once you have returned the consent form to the school office, invoices will be sent home with students. Kindly note that the school is unable to accept payment for this service.
For any additional information or inquiries, we encourage you to contact Carbal directly on 1300 379 558.
Darling Downs Oral Health - School Dental
Darling Downs Oral Health are currently offering the free School Dental Service to students at Rangeville State School. The treatment will be completed in the Rangeville School Dental Clinic located in South Street, Rangeville. Darling Downs Oral Health has a new call centre number 1300 082 662 (select option 3 for School Dental). Consent forms will be coming home for Prep and Year 6 students next week. Please return forms to the administration office by Monday 14 August and the call centre will contact you via SMS to book an appointment.
Dreamtime Games
Date Change for Year 6 Brisbane STEM & Chinese Excursion Day
Please keep an eye out for an email coming home regarding a date change for the Year 6 Brisbane STEM & Chinese Excursion Day.
- Tuesday 8 August - 6RM and 6RL
- Thursday 24 August - 6B and 6H
Further information is included in the email.
Fairplay Vouchers
Applications for Fairplay Vouchers open on Wednesday 26 July 2023. From this date you can apply using the following link:
Upcoming: Information Sessions for Parents – PBL (Behaviour)
We are excited to announce upcoming information sessions on key aspects of PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning), which is an essential part of our curriculum at Rangeville State School. These free sessions will be held twice a term, on Tuesday afternoons in week 5 and 9, from 2:15-2:45pm (see dates below).
Our focus during these sessions is to share the principles of each topic based on research, show how the school implement these practices, reflect on ways this can be adapted to home, and allow for question-and-answer time.
Please email Nelson McGrath if you are interested in attending any of the sessions or if you have any further questions.
Date | Term and Week | Topic |
31/10/23 | Term 4, Week 5 | Corrective Strategies |
28/11/23 | Term 4, Week 9 | Bullying |
We look forward to seeing you at these sessions, and thank you for your ongoing support.
ICAS Assessments Parent Payment System (PPS)
How to sign up your child/children for ICAS assessments
2023 Participation
Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for all subjects. Through this system parents need to pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school.
A permission form will need to be completed if you wish for your child to participate in this year ICAS. Please read the ICAS privacy statement through the link provided in the permission form .
Permission forms can be found on the RSS website ® Support and Resources ® Forms and Documents or collected from the office.
What you need to do -Parent Payment System
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
1. read about ICAS subjects and prices here:
2. go to Parent Portal here:
3. enter our school’s access code – UZX002
4. enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please check cut off dates for each subject register.
DATES -sitting windows for ICAS assessments
ICAS Results and Certificates
As the dates get closer, we will notify you of the dates that we run ICAS at the school and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. Once we have received your child’s ICAS certificate, we will send it home with your child.
If you require further information or assistance, please leave a message at the office and I will respond to your inquiry.
Judy Keightley
ICAS Co-ordinator
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- consent forms
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
In addition to the information provided, it's important to note that the QParents portal only sends invoices to the parent/carer who is responsible for 100% of the student's school fees. This means that if there are multiple parents or carers who share responsibility for fees, only one of them will receive the invoice through the portal. It's important for parents and carers to communicate and coordinate payment arrangements if they are sharing the responsibility for fees.
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Our June P&C Meeting is on Tuesday 8th August in the Resource Room starting at 6:30pm.
If you are interested in joining the P&C Team, membership forms are available from the website or email us at and one will be forwarded to you.
We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you.
See our P&C website for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
Contact details:
Phone P&C Ops Office: 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Fundraising for Father’s Day
We are providing an opportunity for you to purchase some treats for Father’s Day from Smokehaus.
* order on Flexischools, CLOSES Aug 17th
* pick up 29/30 August (details to come)
* taste tests at school pick up coming: stay tuned!!
Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
Rangeville Outside School Hours Care
Services are available for families if you need before school care, after school care or vacation care. If you want to know more about what is available, please contact the staff located in the Big Hall (W Block). There is also information on the P&C website
Calling all volunteers! Our school is constantly in need of dedicated individuals who can lend a hand with various tasks, from organising fundraising events to sorting lost property. If you're interested in getting involved and making a difference, we encourage you to reach out to us via our Facebook page, email, or by calling the office. We appreciate all the support and contributions we've received thus far and want to thank everyone who has helped our school and P&C thrive.
Tuckshop News
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week. We are looking for volunteers for 2023, so please let us know if you are interested.
For those who are new to Flexischools and need help navigating the system, please click the link below for further instructions.
Uniform Shop
2023 Operating Hours
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 9:00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2:30pm – 3:15pm |
If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or phone Nicky on (07) 4617 7333.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Activities at ROSHC
We have been doing a lot of STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)! Children have explored density by participating in oil and water experiments. To enhance their learning experience, we integrated technology, providing video explanations of these experiments conducted on various days. This approach allowed the children to witness the experiments themselves or observe the environmental impacts through experiments. Educators followed on from the oil and water activity with a situation that may happen in real life of an oil spill. They discussed the effects on habitats and animals and tried to work out how to remove oil from water. Children took part in a bridge building challenge with pop sticks and tape or string to work out strength and stability. Experiments were conducted like milk, dish soap and food colouring, volcanoes in the sand pit, bubble effect, creating snow and fireworks in a jar. There were also paper clip helicopters to learn about resistance, balloon powered cars to learn about kinetic energy. Engineering was used in creating structures from loose parts. Many different forms of STEM have been used and children have said how much they enjoy the STEM activities. No doubt they will be looking forward to national science week coming up in August.
Along with STEM children have been challenging educators to different activities and vice versa. This has seen things like the beep test getting a work out, fine motor challenges, fastest building challenge, group games like dodge ball, golden child etc and chess has been very popular among children with them challenging each other. The children often challenge the educators which is seen to be a favourite thing to do no matter the challenge, as all the children support one another and cheer each other on in a bid to see them win against the educators. We all enjoy the competitive but supportive nature these challenges bring out in the children.
OSHC Educators Day
The National Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Educators' Day was on Wednesday 26th July 2023 and this year's theme is “At the Heart of the Community”. The National Out of School Hours Care Educators Day is the annual National day to celebrate and recognise the important role Educators play in the lives of children. The children created cards for Educators with beautiful messages of thanks and kind words.
Absentees during the term
If you have a booking at the service and your child goes home early from school, is absent or not coming for either BSC or ASC please let us know via your xplor app (preferred option) or email as soon as possible.
Lost Property
As the winter season approaches, we often come across an abundance of abandoned jumpers and warm clothes. If your child has misplaced any personal items, we kindly request that you check their classrooms or visit our designated Lost and Found area (located on the verandah near the Uniform Shop). This is where we collect and store items that have been left behind in classrooms, playgrounds and other areas of the school.
Currently, our Lost and Found area is populated with a considerable number of lunchboxes and water bottles. If your child happens to be missing any of these items, we encourage you to take a moment to search for them there. For more valuable items such as glasses and watches, you can visit the administration office, where we hold these items securely.
We encourage you to clearly label your child's items with their name and class. This simple measure greatly aids in identifying lost items. Please note that at the end of each term, any remaining unclaimed items will be collected and removed.
Have your details changed?
Please email or phone 4617 7333 to let us know if your contact details (email address, mobile number or home address), family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
Set your tween up for success
Do you have a tween in Years 5 or 6? Some big transitions are coming their way. This 6-module interactive course for parents offers practical steps for building strong, resilient and confident teens. Teen Triple P online is FREE and you can start now. Visit: Teen Triple P Online
Raise Resilient and Confident Teens
All families with children aged from 10 to 16 years can now get free, expert parenting tips and strategies via the online Teen Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. This free program, funded by the Queensland Government, provides ideas on how to positively support your teen’s emotional well-being, social skills and more.
- Create the best environment for your teens development
- Know how to promote new skills and respond to their behaviours and emotions
- Improve your relationship with your teen
- Raise happier, more confident and capable teens
You choose what works for you – adapt to suit your family, your values.
Start your free program today Visit: