School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 1 - 2023
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Guidance Officer News
Sport News
What's on in the Library this term?
Year 1 Fire Education Visit with the Anzac Avenue Firefighters
Prep Information Evening
ANZAC Day Assembly and Poppies
School Disco
School Photos 2023
Allied Health
Online Services Consent Form 2023
Book Club News
Book Fair
Raising Resilient Children - Free Parenting Seminar
Help your Child or Teenager Prevent and Cope with Anxiety - Free Parenting Seminar
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Chaplaincy News
Chaplaincy Meeting
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Free Term 2, 2023 Parent Information Webinars
Lost Property
Have your details changed?
Centenary Heights State High School in 2024
News from the Community
Principal's News
Welcome back to Term Two for our existing students, families and staff. Welcome to our new families who have joined the Rangeville Family this term. We hope that you all had a wonderful and safe holiday period and are ready for another massive term of Learning, Achieving and Growing every day. While I am currently coaching our Darling Downs 10-12 Girls Cricket team at the State Titles in Bundaberg, it was great to welcome our excited students back on Monday morning. I have been told that our students have returned primed and ready for learning and are doing a beautiful job as always.
Term 1 Attendance Celebration
Congratulations and thank you to our students and families for their continued commitment to education this year. The above data snapshot celebrates the significant change in attendance being achieved in Term 1 2023. We have increased our daily attendance from 90% in 2022 to 93.4% in Term 1 2023 and reduced our Students with <85% attendance from 21.4% to 10.5%! That’s a wonderful celebration and directly related to positive focus and support from our families, student and staff. This term, Mr Manttan and our attendance team will be introducing a number of positive attendance strategies to keep encouraging and supporting our positive attendance data.
Some of the Key Activities that are happening this term include:
- ANZAC Day Parade: 24/4/2023 All students in Grades 1-6 are expected in Formal School Uniform for the parade.
- Student Council Disco: 27/4/2023
- Rasing Resilient Children Parent Seminar: 2/5/2023
- Help Your Child or Teenager Prevent & Cope with Anxiety: 3/5/2023
- 2024 PREP Information Night: 3/5/2023
- School Photos: 11/5/2023
- Book Fair: 18/5/2023 – 23/5/2023
- Year Four Hidden History Incursion: 24/5/2023
- Mad Food Science: 6/6/2023 – 8/6/2023
- String Out: 7/6/2023
- Junior Athletics Carnival (5-8 Year Olds): 13/6/2023
- Athletics Carnival (9 – 12 Year Olds): 14/6/22 – 15/6/22
Cross Country
Congratulations to all of our students who participated in last terms Cross-Country event. As always, the student’s exceptional sportsmanship, participation and effort made for a wonderful day for all. Congratulations to Mr Morris who ran a very efficient and effective carnival. Congratulations everyone involved.
2024 Prep Intake – Key Dates and Events
We are busily registering in catchment and out of catchment enrolment packs in readiness for Prep 2024. If you have a child eligible to start school next year or know someone that does, please take note of the following dates this term and jump onto our website and complete the online enrolment package.
Parent Information Night: 3 May 5:30- 6:30 pm
Prep Enrolment Interviews will begin during May/early June
Principal's Quote of the Week
Calendar of Events
Tuesday 25 April | Public Holiday ANZAC Day ROSHC will also be closed today |
Thursday 27 April | Rangeville State School Disco |
Monday 1 May | Public Holiday Labour Day ROSHC will also be closed today |
Tuesday 2 May | Raising Resilient Children Free Seminar, 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Rangeville State School – Resource Room |
Wednesday 3 May | Help your Child or Teenager Prevent and Cope with Anxiety Free Seminar, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Rangeville State School – Resource Room |
Thursday 4 May | Zone Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) |
Friday 5 May | Zone Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) |
Sunday 7 May | Year 4 Choir Eisteddfod, from 8:30am, Empire Theatre |
Tuesday 9 May | P&C Meeting |
Thursday 11 May | School Photos 2023 |
Monday 15 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion: 3R , 3W and 3/4 MB |
Tuesday 16 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion: 3C and 3HF |
Thursday 18 May | Book Fair |
Friday 19 May | Book Fair |
Monday 22 May | Book Fair Year 1 Fire Education Theory Session |
Tuesday 23 May | Book Fair |
Wednesday 24 May | Year 4 Living Histories Incursion Carbal Health Hearing Check (follow up for children who did not pass the first test - no payment required) |
Monday 29 May | Year 1 Fire Education Practical Session |
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding attendance of children in school in 1963, courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Sport News
A big congratulations to the following students for their selection in the Toowoomba Schools Football (Soccer) Team: Ryder, Aden, Eli Batts, Emily and Georgia. Best wishes to these students as they strive to make the Darling Downs team!
What's on in the Library this term?
What’s happening in the Library this term?
We would like to update you on the exciting events happening in our school library this term.
We are pleased to announce that Coding Club has been added to our Monday second lunchtime activities for students in years 3-6. This will be a great opportunity for your children to develop their computer skills and engage in exciting projects.
We are thrilled to introduce a new activity this term, Storytelling, on Tuesdays second break. This will be an excellent opportunity for students to develop their creativity, imagination, and public speaking skills. Additionally, we would like to extend an invitation to parents, carers, and grandparents who are willing to share a story with the Storytelling library group. If you have a favourite tale to tell, we would love to hear it! Please register your interest by emailing Mrs Williams at Let's inspire the love of storytelling and reading together.
Furthermore, we are excited to welcome a guest speaker from our community who will be sharing stories from a First Nation perspective. All students are welcome to attend. It will be a quiet space for listening or silent reading. No computers or games will be allowed during this session.
Lego building will be available during Thursdays second break playtime. We believe that this will be a fun activity that will allow students to engage in creative play while developing their critical thinking skills.
Our popular Chess club continues to run on Wednesday first break. Students have been enjoying this activity for a while now and it's great to see them developing their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
Did you know that Japanese Chess also happens in the Library? This is a super fun experience that students love, and we welcome everyone to join us! Japanese Chess is run by Mr Watson, and meets every Tuesday during second break. Whether your child is a seasoned player or just curious about the game, we encourage them to come and give it a try. They might even discover a new passion!
If you have any additional information or any fabulous ideas, please feel free to drop in and have a chat with us at the Library, or send an email to Mrs Williams at We are always looking for ways to improve our library activities and provide the best learning experience for your children.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing your children engage in these exciting activities.
Year 1 Fire Education Visit with the Anzac Avenue Firefighters
Anzac Avenue Firefighters will be attending RSS on Monday 22nd May from 1:50pm for Fire Education/Theory. This session will be for all Year 1 students and will be held in the assembly hall.
The second visit will be held in the Prep/Year 1 playground and will be a practical session where the students get to see the fire truck and spray the hose. The date for this session will be Monday 29th May from 1:50pm.
If the firemen are called out for an emergency (and this occurred last year) they will arrange a new date and time with us. No payment is required for this incursion.
Prep Information Evening
We are excited to announce the Prep Information Evening 2023, taking place on Wednesday 3 May 2023 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This event is designed to provide parents and guardians with important information about all things Prep for the 2024 school year. The event will be held in the U Block, PF classroom, which is conveniently located on campus (see map attached). We encourage all parents and guardians of 2024 Prep students to attend this informative evening.
Prep Information Evening 2023
Date: Wednesday 3 May 2023
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Location: U Block, PF classroom (see map below)
Please register via the following link:
We look forward to seeing you there!
ANZAC Day Assembly and Poppies
A special ANAZ Day Assembly will be held in the Hall from 9am. Students are asked to wear their formal school uniform, with the exception of our Prep students. Parents and carers are most welcome to attend.
ANZAC Day Poppies will be on sale Monday 24 April from 8:30am outside the Assembly Hall for $1. All proceeds will be donated to Legacy Toowoomba.
School Disco
The School Student Council are hosting a Disco on April 27th, and the P&C is joining in on the fun by hosting a BBQ sausage sizzle to support the student-led event. All proceeds from the sausage sizzle will be given to the Student Council for school projects.
To make this event a success, we're calling on all hands on deck! If you're available to assist the P&C with the setup, we'll be gathering near the Tuckshop from 4:30pm until 8:00pm. Please contact Emma at if you're interested in lending a hand and let us know what times work best for you.
School Photos 2023
School photos this year will be held on Thursday 11 May. A timetable will be created and communicated closer to the event.
Allied Health
Does your student access therapy during school hours?
Do you need to arrive late or leave early to attend a therapy appointment?
Has the therapy appointment time changed since you notified us at the start of the year?
Please notify the office of any changes to therapy times or ask for a 2023 Allied Health Professional Information form as soon as possible.
Online Services Consent Form 2023
At our school, we are dedicated to providing the best possible learning experience for your child. To achieve this, we use a variety of tools and resources, including online services hosted and managed outside of the Department of Education network.
These services, such as interactive learning sites and games, online collaboration and communication tools, and learning management systems, are delivered over the internet and require internet connectivity. We also utilize web-based publishing and design tools, as well as file storage and collaboration services.
If you have an active QParents account, you should have received an Online Services Consent Form 2023 via QParents for your child at the end of last term. Please be reminded to complete this form as soon as possible, as it allows for your child to access computer programs and internet resources while at school.
If you do not have access to QParents, a copy of the form was sent home with your student at the end of last term. Please review, sign and return it to the school office at your earliest convenience. If you have misplaced the form, a copy is available below and at the administration office.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us provide the best possible learning experience for your child.
Book Club News
The Due Date for orders for Issue 3 is the 4 May 2023.
Due to overwhelming feedback from our Book Club Organisers during Issues 1 & 2, Book Club has once again evolved. We have returned to a more child-friendly, eye-catching catalogue that your students already know and love. With the latest released books, bigger clearer images, and 40% of products $10 and under, kids and their families will be sure to engage with Book Club Issue 3.
Book Fair
Save the Date: May 18 to May 23
More information will be shared closer to the date.
Raising Resilient Children - Free Parenting Seminar
Raising Resilient Children – find out more about cybersafety
Tuesday 2nd May, 6:00 – 7:30PM, Rangeville State School – Resource Room
Many parents worry about what their kids are doing online but aren’t sure how to best protect them. We all do our best to supervise our children’s online activities, but there are also other steps we can take. That’s why we’re proud to be hosting a Triple P Seminar to help all parents give children useful skills and strategies to manage their emotions, overcome challenges, and handle situations such as unpleasant online interactions. Whatever stage of life your child is at or what challenges you are facing as a parent, the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program can help make raising kids easier, and help you guide them towards a happy and successful adulthood.
Triple P’s Raising Resilient Children Seminar offers tips on how to develop your child’s ability to cope with problems, now and in the future, in real-life and online.
- Problem-solve with your child, to help them stay safe and manage risks online
- Support your child’s ability to manage emotional ups and downs
- Manage screen time and set age-appropriate boundaries
- Know what actions to take if your child is being bullied online
- Help your child cope with stress and setbacks and stay positive
The seminar is fun and friendly and it’s FREE! It’ll help kids AND parents take the drama out of family life (and screen time) so everyone can deal with issues calmly and more confidently.
REGISTER NOW FOR THE FREE SEMINAR: to learn more and book your free spot.
Triple P is a world-renowned program (developed in Queensland!) that has already helped more than 4 million children and their families, and is currently offered free of charge to Queensland parents and carers of children up to 16 years. Triple P also offers other seminars, group workshops and one-on-one consultations, as well as Triple P Online, Teen Triple P Online, and Fear-Less Triple P Online (web-based courses you do in your own time, at your own pace). There are also a range of Stepping Stones Triple P programs, which are tailored specifically for parents of a child with a disability. New Fear-Less Triple P helps parents of anxious children and teenagers.
Help your Child or Teenager Prevent and Cope with Anxiety - Free Parenting Seminar
Help your child or teenager prevent and cope with anxiety
Wednesday 3rd May, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Rangeville State School – Resource Room
Many parents are coming to realise that their child or teenager is anxious, but are unsure of the best way to help them. Often, the ways parents naturally react to having an anxious child can accidentally increase anxiety. That’s why we’re proud to be hosting a FREE Triple P Seminar to help all parents give children useful skills and strategies to prevent excessive worrying and build confidence. These are practical tips and techniques to help you build up your child’s ability to handle uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. You’ll learn more about underlying causes of anxiety, and what works to reduce it.
The Fear-Less Triple P Seminar can help you:
- Understand more about anxiety (and how to reduce it)
- Look at different ways to respond to your child when they’re anxious
- Give them skills to cope with challenging situations and solve problems
- Teach them a range of strategies based on proven principles
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program can help make raising kids easier, and help you guide them towards a happy and successful adulthood. The seminar is fun and friendly and it’s FREE! Research shows that Fear-Less Triple P actually helps the whole family feel less stressed.
REGISTER NOW: to learn more and book your free spot.
Triple P is a world-renowned program (developed in Queensland!) that has already helped more than 4 million children and their families, and is currently offered free of charge to Queensland parents and carers of children up to 16 years. Triple P also offers other seminars, group workshops and one-on-one consultations, as well as Triple P Online, Teen Triple P Online, and Fear-Less Triple P Online (web-based courses you do in your own time, at your own pace). There are also a range of Stepping Stones Triple P programs, which are tailored specifically for parents of a child with a disability. New Fear-Less Triple P helps parents of anxious children and teenagers.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- consent forms
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
In addition to the information provided, it's important to note that the QParents portal only sends invoices to the parent/carer who is responsible for 100% of the student's school fees. This means that if there are multiple parents or carers who share responsibility for fees, only one of them will receive the invoice through the portal. It's important for parents and carers to communicate and coordinate payment arrangements if they are sharing the responsibility for fees.
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
If you are interested in joining the P&C Team, membership forms are available from the website or email us at and one will be forwarded to you.
We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you.
See our P & C web site for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
Contact details:
Phone P&C Ops Office: 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
Calling all volunteers! Our school is constantly in need of dedicated individuals who can lend a hand with various tasks, from organising fundraising events to sorting lost property. If you're interested in getting involved and making a difference, we encourage you to reach out to us via our Facebook page, email, or by calling the office. We appreciate all the support and contributions we've received thus far and want to thank everyone who has helped our school and P&C thrive.
Upcoming Event
The School Student Council are hosting a Disco on April 27th, and the P&C is joining in on the fun by hosting a BBQ sausage sizzle to support the student-led event. All proceeds from the sausage sizzle will be given to the Student Council for school projects.
To make this event a success, we're calling on all hands on deck! If you're available to assist the P&C with the setup, we'll be gathering near the Tuckshop from 4:30pm until 8:00pm. Please contact Emma at if you're interested in lending a hand and let us know what times work best for you.
Chaplaincy News
Chaplaincy Meeting
Tuckshop News
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week. We are looking for volunteers for 2023, so please let us know if you are interested. Our new menu is up on the website.
For those who are new to Flexischools and need help navigating the system, please click the link below for further instructions.
Uniform Shop
2023 Operating Hours
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 9:00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2:30pm – 3:15pm |
If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or phone Nicky on (07) 4617 7333.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
What a fun filled vacation Care we just had at ROSHC. Children got to experience and were certainly not limited too; Easter egg hunts, movement and music games, loads of different crafts over the two weeks, dragon paper plane creations, walk the plank, magic carpet - big team work challenge, challenges like not my arms and cup stacking, tallest tower. We also had a fun colour run, face painting, colour changing flowers, cave paintings, making their own Dino fossils and games from around the world like Kabaddi (Afghan) and Tumbag Preso (Philippines). The children also got to enjoy the talents of DJ Tictoc and DJ Ruby from Vacation Care Australia. They held an awesome Incursion Silent DISCO and Glo party in the first week. The feedback we got from the children was how cool it was and that they were loads of fun, and that we should definitely get them back again! All in all, it was a great vacation care full of different experiences which included lots of the children’s suggested activities. We are always busy planning vacation care so if you would like to see something happening at ROSHC please come and see us or send us an email ( we would appreciate any suggestions.
Please make sure when requesting any bookings through the xplor app that you have confirmed it in the ‘shopping cart’ as we do not receive any notification of the booking if you have not confirmed it in the shopping cart. Are you are wanting to know more about our service or enrol your child/ren? If you would then please send an email to and one of our Leadership team will get back to you with all our enrolment and service information.
ROSHC will be closed on Tuesday the 25th April 2023 for ANZAC Day and Monday the 1st of May 2023.
Free Term 2, 2023 Parent Information Webinars
These sessions are facilitated by the state-wide Principal Advisors Autism Hub. Please note, these webinars are not recorded.
Parent Webinars
- Supporting girls with autism:
- Using Video Modelling:
- Interest-based learning:
- Supporting school connectedness:
- Preparing for meetings:
- Setting up effective communication:
- Developing Social Narratives:
Lost Property
We have a designated Lost and Found area located on the verandah near the Uniform Shop. This is where we collect and store items that have been left behind in classrooms, playgrounds and other areas of the school.
If your child has lost something, please encourage them to check the Lost and Found area as soon as possible. For more valuable items such as glasses and watches, you can visit the administration office, where we hold these items securely.
To ensure the quick and easy return of lost items, we encourage you to clearly label them with your child’s name and class. At the end of each term, any remaining items will be gathered up and removed.
Have your details changed?
Please email or phone 4617 7333 to let us know if your contact details (email address, mobile number or home address), family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
Centenary Heights State High School in 2024
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.