School Newsletter - Term 4 Week 7 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Guidance Officer News
Book Club
CHSHS Christmas Concert
Licence Plate Recognition Vehicle - School Patrols
Student Medication - Important Information
Notification of Intent
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Lost Property
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Have your details changed?
News from the Community
Principal's News
Term Four is such a wonderful time celebrating everything Rangeville. This fortnight we have had the pleasure of listening to our Year Five students project their ideas, leadership skills and ambitions for next year. We have had the pleasure of a significant and special Remebrance Day Service followed by a spectacular instrumental music concert this week. Yesterday, the whole school participated in our annual colour fun run. Thank you to all involved as either an audiance member, a participant or a leader. It has been a wonderful fortnight to Learn, Achieve and Grow at Rangeville.
Remembrance Day 2022 – Friday 11 November 2022
Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders and cohort, our school wreath layers and entire student body and our outstanding music department and organising committee – Mrs Johansen, Mr Smith, Mr Henry and Mrs Hagley for an outstanding Remembrance Day Service last Friday. It was exceptional. The information shared from the students was certainly informative and has received some wonderful feedback from the community and the rousing music was outstanding. I personally believe that was the best performed Rouse and Reveille I have witnessed and to have it followed by the concert band and the choir performing a rousing rendition of the National Anthem was exceptional. The significance of the day will always be remembered at Rangeville. Well done everyone involved.
Instrumental Music End of Year Concert
“Music is worth teaching for its own sake. It is worth teaching because it is good. It is worth teaching because it is unique. It is worth teaching because it empowers children spectacually.” Richard Gill – Composer and Music Educator. On Tuesday night, our school community was treated to a spectacular night of entertainment from a various instrumental bands and ensembles. Thank you to our community for their generous and continuous support not only of the night but through the entire year as well. Your chidren, with your continued support and encouragement are empowered to be spectatcular!
Thank you to our amazing staff within the Rangeville Music Department. Mrs Johansen, Mr Smith and Mr Henry. When the night was opened by our very own Sympany Orchastra it certainly symbolised the significant success of Toowoomba's only Musical Excellence School. All of the parts of the Sympany Orchastra working in precise unison to produce beauty. Thank you team.
Finally, congratulations to our students. Your dedication, skill and ability to produce beautiful music is amazing. A credit to you and your love of music. Well done everyone.
Colour Fun Run
Yesterday, our P&C with the help of many volunteers coordinated a wonderful and enjoyable Colour Fun Run for all of our students, staff and community. From the faces on our students and their voices declaring 'this has been one of the best school activities ever,' I think we can again confirm this is a wonderful school event! Thank you to everyone for your generous donations. What a fabulous school community event.
Electronic Approvals
When it comes to securely managing consent, paperwork may have become a thing of the past with the arrival of a new QParents module – Consent Management. The module will be rolled out gradually in 2023 and will allow you to digitally consent to the following:
- Excursion Permission
- State Schools Consent
- Online Service Consent
- SRS Participation Agreement Form
This new operating system will make consent management an easier process for many families and we look forward to using it next year. If you do not have QParents, we suggest you join as soon as possible. Further information on how to access QParents can be found within this newsletter.
Principal's Quote of the Week
"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new" - Albert Einstein
Calendar of Events
Wednesday 23 November | Book Club Issue #8 Due |
Thursday 24 November | Year 6 Graduation and Awards Ceremony |
Friday 25 November | Swimming Lessons Conclude |
Monday 28 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Tuesday 29 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Wednesday 30 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Thursday 1 December | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Friday 2 December | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Monday 5 December | RSS Rep Swimming Trials 50m & 100m events only (8-11 year old students only) |
Tuesday 6 December | RSS Transition Day |
Wednesday 7 December | Can't Stop the Music |
Friday 9 December | Year 6 Social Day |
Monday 23 January | Frist Day of Term 1 |
Thursday 26 January | Australia Day Public Holiday |
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding Santa Claus, courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Book Club
Book Club Issue #8 Catalogue has been distributed!!
This exciting Issue of Book Club has all the best books to get festive for the holidays and to be ready for summer holiday reading!
It's the last issue for the year, so make sure you place your orders on time to ensure you have books for Christmas gifting and school holiday reading.
Book Club Issue #8 Due 23/11/2022
CHSHS Christmas Concert
On Thursday 1 December the music students from Centenary Heights State High School will be coming to Rangeville to present their annual Christmas Concert to our students. The concert will take place in W Block Hall and will commence shortly after 11:30am. The duration of the concert will be approximately one hour. The performance will feature a number of Christmas themed songs that showcase the excellent music program that is available at CHSHS. This concert will also be video-recorded to virtually share with residents from some of our local aged care homes and will be a lovely way to give back to our community. Please note that only the performers will be included in the videorecording.
What: CHSHS Christmas Concert
When: 11:30am Thursday 1 December (Week 9)
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Where: W Block Hall
What to wear: All students are asked to wear Christmas colours (red, green, white, gold, silver – small Christmas accessories can be worn as well).
Licence Plate Recognition Vehicle - School Patrols
The Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) receives calls from concerned residents and parents regarding unlawful and dangerous parking habits of drivers at various schools in our region. We have been notified that the TRC have purchased a Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) vehicle to enforce safe and lawful parking around schools in our region. This vehicle is equipped to take images of a vehicle parked dangerously or unlawfully simply by driving past the location. TRC will commence regular patrols around our school using the LPR vehicle. For more information please see the attached fact sheet.
Student Medication - Important Information
We are getting closer to the end of the school term and this means we need to ensure there is no medication left at school over the Christmas holidays. This includes prescribed medications, asthma puffers and Epipens. Parents/caregivers are required to please collect any medication from the office at the end of the last day of term, Friday 9th December 2022. You will be asked to complete a new Consent to Administer Medication Form when you handover medications on the first day of term, Monday 23rd January 2023. You are welcome to fill in the form at the office or find it below.
As of the start of Term 1 2023, all medication (including asthma puffers) are required to be stored in the office and administered to the student at the office when needed, unless there are exceptional circumstances, which require approval from our HOSES, Julie Franklin.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- consent forms
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Notification of Intent
During Term 4, we undergo the process of planning for 2023, including formation of classes. If your child will not be attending Rangeville State School next year, please contact the school office in writing using the following email address as soon as practical. It is important that you notify us of the school to which your child will be transferring to as well. If your child is continuing on at Rangeville in 2023, you do not need to notify the school.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting in 2023 will be on Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 6:30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
The AGM is March 14th 2023 at 6 pm.
Membership forms are available from the website or email us at and one will be forwarded to you.
If you are interested in becoming an Executive of the P&C for 2023, the nomination forms are on the website also, or again please email us and we will forward it to you.
All executive positions are declared open and you can nominate for a position.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you and your family in your school journey.
Please see our P&C website for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly via email.
Contact details
P&C Committee:
Phone P&C and Ops office: 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Fundraising News
Our 2023 fundraising events are being discussed at our next general meeting. If you have an idea and would like to run an event please come along to our next general meeting.
Thank you to all our new volunteers that have come on board. We appreciate your efforts and contribution to our school and the P&C. If you want to know more about volunteering, please contact us via the email listed above.
Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
Thank you to our 2022 Volunteers
2022 has been a big year and the Rangeville P&C Committee is very grateful to all of the volunteers and staff who have supported and attended the various fundraising events we have held. Your contributions, time and enthusiasm to support these events has not gone unnoticed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Special mention to those parents who helped with the Colour Fun Run yesterday!!! Amazing work guys!
Tuckshop News
Tuckshop Day 2022!
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week. We are looking for volunteers for 2023, so please let us know if you are interested.
The last week of operation for the tuckshop in 2022 will be Week 9.
Weekly specials can be found here Rangeville P&C Facebook Page
Not sure how to use Flexischools ? CLICK HERE for further information.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 9:00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2:00pm – 3:15pm |
If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop for Back-to-School, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or speak with Nicky.
Back-to-School 2023 Operating Hours
Monday 16th January | P&C Uniform Shop 8:30am – 11:30am |
Tuesday 17th January | P&C Uniform Shop 7:30am – 11:00am |
Wednesday 18th January | P&C Uniform Shop 1:00pm to 3:00pm |
Thursday 19th January | P&C Uniform Shop 1:00pm to 3:00pm |
The Uniform Shop will revert back to regular trading hours from 23 January 2023.
Lost Property
There is a large quantity of lost property items at the Ops Office verandah outside the Uniform shop. We ask you to please have a look for any items that may belong to your child/ren to collect before the 7th December.
The items will be bagged and removed after that date. Thank you for your help with finding the owners of these items.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Keep your eyes peeled for the Summer vacation care program coming to you Monday 21/12/22. You will receive the program, family information sheet and permission form in the email. Please ensure that we have the permission form back with relevant days ticked and signed or your child/ren will not be able to participate in the activity. The educators have been planning days with the children and getting everything ready for what we hope will be a fun program for your children.
If you require vacation care for your child/ren please wait for the information email to be sent to you and we will be accepting all vacation care bookings from Monday 21/12/22. Please book your child/ren via the Xplor app (same as before and after school care). Ensure you confirm the booking in your shopping cart or the booking will not go through.
If you have any troubles with this please come and see us in the ROSHC office or email and we can help. Please be advised that we do not take bookings or cancellations over the phone or in person. We will ask for it in an email or via the Xplor app. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
ROSHC will be closed over the Christmas holidays. Our last day for 2022 will be Wednesday 21st December 2022 and we will be re-open 6:30am Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
At ROSHC we have adopted a Mercy family again this Christmas. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Please see the flyer below for information on the family.
Please leave any donations in the container supplied outside the ROSHC office. It will be there until Wednesday 7th of December 2022. Thank You.
Have your details changed?
Please email or phone 4617 7333 to let us know if your contact details (email address, mobile number or home address), family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.