School Newsletter - Term 4 Week 5 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Guidance Officer News
Year 6 Graduation and Awards Ceremony
Book Club
Remembrance Day Poppies
Notification of Intent
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Have your details changed?
Lost Property
News from the Community
Principal's News
From Leadership Camps to Emu Gully, excursions to Amaroo, live streaming lessons with our future sister school in China, to representing Rangeville at the QLD Primary All School’s Touch Carnival, to welcoming our future Preps and their families through our Get Set for Prep morning, to our everyday learning and having fun, our students and staff have certainly been making memories and Learning, Achieving and Growing every day this last fortnight.
Chinese Online Exchange
Congratulations to Mrs Tay for successfully organising and facilitating our first Chinese Online Exchange with our potential sister school, Lu Xun Primary School, in the Yue Cheng County District in China last week. In collaboration with Toowoomba Regional Council, many hours of work came to fruition when our Year 6L students shared a real-life learning opportunity by exploring the culture, educational and sporting opportunities available between the two schools. What a special, real-life learning experience for both schools.
Year Five Camp to Emu Gully
Last week the majority of our Year 5 students participated in the two-night personal learning and leadership experience at Emu Gully. Congratulations to our Year 5 team who ran and participated in a wonderful and successful Year 5 camp. Our students were fantastic; they gave everything a go and had an absolute ball across the three days. New experiences from challenging physical activities to new foods and being away from families for more than one night were experienced by all. Our student’s behaviour and attitudes were exemplary, and all of the Emu Gully instructors congratulated our students and staff on this achievement. Well done everyone and I’m sure you all slept well on your return.
Respect our Neighbours
Today on parade I addressed our student population about the need for respecting our neighbours. Recently, we have had a number of complaints from our neighbours indicating that students are not being respectful, they are trespassing onto property and playing games that are disturbing the peace of our neighbourhood. Whilst our students are wearing the Rangeville State School Uniform, all are expected to be Safe and Respectful inside and outside of our school gate. I have advised our students and the neighbours that if this behaviour continues to call the police. If your child walks to and from school, please reiterate the importance of being safe and respectful at all times.
All Schools Primary Touch
This weekend, 12 students from Years Five and Six are representing our school at the All Schools Primary Touch Carnival in Brisbane. We wish them all the best for a successful carnival and look forward to sharing their successes.
Get Set For Prep
Today we held our final Get Set for Prep session for 2022 with a focus on STEM, outside and inside investigations and literacy activities. Get Set for Prep is such an important transitional component of a successful transition to school for both our future students and also their parents. Thank you to all of our current and future families for taking the time to value this process and allowing us to get to know your child. I loved playing paper planes with a very enthusiastic group of young ladies and men - "Sorry Finn that I couldn't beat the World Paper Plane Flight Record of 200 and something feet!" Within the fortnight, we will be emailing home our 2023 welcome packs to our Prep families, which will include our welcome letter, including details of their class placement and teacher allocation, an invite to specifically meet with your teacher for 2023 in weeks 9 and/or 10 and the 2023 booklists. Thank you again.
Thank you to our families who have provided us with notification of their intentions for 2023. We are currently planning on a 30-class structure model to suit our predicted 735 students. We currently have 104 prep students enrolled for next year and have limited spaces left. We also have limited spaces for enrolment across all year levels and have paused accepting out of catchment enrolments until the last week of this term.
Today we celebrated Tuckshop Day on parade. Thank to Nicky and her band of wonderful volunteers. On behalf of the students, they say a huge THANK YOU. Our school is such a happier and nourished learning environment as a result of everything they do! You are the best! On behalf of the families of Rangeville, THANK YOU for everything - you make our lives easier especially with one last task to do some mornings!
Principal's Quote of the Week
"It's not the responsibility of the child to be ready for school, its the schools responsibility to be ready for the child"
Calendar of Events
Tuesday 8 November | P&C Meeting |
Friday 11 November | Rememberance Day |
Tuesday 15 November | End of Year Instrumental Music Concert |
Thursday 17 November | RSS Colour Explosion Fun Run 1:35pm - 2:50pm |
Friday 18 November | Interschool Sport Concludes |
Thursday 24 November | Year 6 Graduation and Awards Ceremony |
Friday 25 November | Swimming Lessons Conclude |
Monday 28 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Tuesday 29 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Wednesday 30 November | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Thursday 1 December | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Friday 2 December | Year 6 School Camp Tallebudgera |
Monday 5 December | RSS Rep Swimming Trials 50m & 100m events only (8-11 year old students only) |
Tuesday 6 December | RSS Transition Day |
Wednesday 7 December | Can't Stop the Music |
Friday 9 December | Year 6 Social Day |
Monday 23 January | Frist Day of Term 1 |
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding anger and parenting, courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Year 6 Graduation and Awards Ceremony
A polite reminder to RSVP to Marion Llewellyn by 17th November 2022 on 4617 7333 or if you haven't already done so. Due to workplace health and safety and restricted space in the Assembly Hall, each student is required to limit their number of guests attending the Year 6 Graduation to a maximum of 4. Please note that students are permitted to wear formal school uniform only.
Book Club
Book Club Issue #8 Catalogue has been distributed!!
This exciting Issue of Book Club has all the best books to get festive for the holidays and to be ready for summer holiday reading!
It's the last issue for the year, so make sure you place your orders on time to ensure you have books for Christmas gifting and school holiday reading.
Book Club Issue #8 Due 23/11/2022
Remembrance Day Poppies
Remembrance Day Poppies will be on sale Friday 11 November from 8:30am at the Assembly Hall for $1. All proceeds will be donated to Legacy Toowoomba.
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Notification of Intent
During Term 4, we undergo the process of planning for 2023, including formation of classes. If your child will not be attending Rangeville State School next year, please contact the school office in writing using the following email address as soon as practical. It is important that you notify us of the school to which your child will be transferring to as well.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our final meeting for the year is on Tuesday 8th November at 6:30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
The first meeting for the New Year will be held on Tuesday 7th February and our Annual General Meeting is on Tuesday 14th March 2023. All Executive positions are declared open and you can nomiate for a position.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved and how we can assist you and your family in your school journey.
Please see our P&C website for more details around our businesses and helpful information for families.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee:
Phone P&C office: 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Fundraising News
Our 2023 fundraising events are being discussed at our next general meeting. If you have an idea and would like to run an event please come along to our next general meeting.
A Note from Sarah Courtney
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the school community and the growing P&C for the support they have shown me and the P&C as a whole. I am so glad to see so many people helping to contribute to an organisation that supports the school and our children. I am writing as I am officially resigning from my role on the executive due to my own personal work commitments and wanted to say a big thank you to the continuing executive on their hard work and dedication. I look forward to continuing as a member on the P&C and encourage others to join and learn more about how we can all help, no matter how big or small the contribution is. Covid has thrown us some curve balls over the last few years and we are all so glad to be able to look towards bigger and better things in the future for the P &C and the school.
Thank you to all our new volunteers that have come on board. We appreciate your efforts and contribution to our school and the P&C. If you want to know more about volunteering, please contact us via the email listed above. We are also seeking volunteers for the upcoming Colour Fun Run, which is fun for kids and parents!
Rebel sport
Thank you to everyone who has purchased from Rebel and mentioned Rangeville State School. We get rewards for your spend! The program is currently under review but can still be utilised until 31 October 2022.
So if you need sports equipment, touch boots, balls and more, please purchase at Rebel before 31st October for our P& C to receive the benefits.
We use this to buy sports equipment for the school and our children!
Colour Fun Run is fast approaching!
It is not too late to start fundraising as every little bit counts!
Go to to set up your child's profile and start fundraising now for this years run! Booklets were sent home to families prior to the holidays and a letter was distributed via email.
Upcoming Fundraisers
- Rangeville State School Colour Explosion Fun Run – Thursday 17 November 1:35 - 2:50pm. Please click here to register your interest to help with this fun event.
- Show this digital card for the P&C to get great rewards and in turn help raise funds for our community!
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
Tuckshop Day 2022!
Today is Tuckshop Day, an initiative of the Department of Education.
It is a day to recognise and give a special thank you to Nicky and all of our dedicated tuckshop workers and volunteers. Thank you! We appreciate your time and your efforts! It also highlights the important role tuckshops play in school life. Providing nutritious food and drinks means families can have one less task to worry about at the start of their day, and helps students to concentrate and learn well in class.
Thank you to everyone who made origami hearts in celeration of Tuckshop Day. You may have seen them om display outside the tuckshop today.
Feel free to have a chat with Nicky to find out what a difference volunteering an hour after drop off can make to Nicky in her day. Weekly specials can be found here Rangeville P&C Facebook Page
Not sure how to use Flexischools ? CLICK HERE for further instructions.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no pre-prepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
We will be finalising Back-to-School times for the uniform shop in the coming weeks. If you are interested in volunteering in the uniform shop for Back-to-School, please contact us via the P&C Facebook page or speak with Nicky.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Children’s Week was the focus of last week’s program, the 2022 theme was ‘all children have the right to a standard of living that supports their wellbeing and healthy development’ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 27. As part of this we researched the children’s rights, listened to children’s week songs and watched a quick video about children’s week to help better understand what exactly we were celebrating. There was a question raised with the children about what makes them special? We were very proud of their vulnerability when completing this activity of writing it onto their hand prints as a lot of the children found this to be quite difficult. There was a beautiful poster completed by children for the purpose of children’s week. Please when you're next in the service, take a look, it is outside the room door and it is a wonderful piece. Children also created their own version of the children’s week banners along with many other little activities as well.
Cooking with children has finally come back after a very long wait and the children were excited to see it return. The children have been doing their own self-serve breakfast of a morning the whole time but the cooking of afternoon tea and the breakfast special had been made by educators. The importance of washing hands and not participating if unwell, having their hair tied back and not touching their face or hair or other areas of the body while cooking has been the main focus of conversation when it comes to cooking with children. It has been awhile since this has been on offer, mainly due to COVID. The children have also been helping Bec do up the weekly menu’s and we are always open to any suggestions. If you would like to see something on there please let us know.
Sun safety chats have been a big focus lately and with the up and down weather we have been having this has brought about questions in relation to the UV ratings and the use of sunscreen. Children did a little activity in the room of creating their own little UV wheel to help them better understand this index. The children have also been helping to search the UV index of an afternoon for us to put on our sun safety wall so we are all in line with the recommendation.
At ROSHC we have welcomed new educators Hollie and Fiona. Fiona we welcomed just before the last lot of school holidays. Many of the children already knew Fiona as she is a teacher aid at the school as well. Please give her a friendly hello if you see her around the ROSHC. Hollie we have only recently added to our team and she is getting to know all the children really well already, and eager to get to know more of you. Please give her a welcome hello if you see her around the ROSHC.
Please make sure that if you have a booking at the service and your child goes home early from school, is away or not coming for either BSC or ASC that you let us know via your xplor app (preferred option), email, or phone 46177388 as soon as possible.
Please be advised ROSHC will be closed over Christmas holidays. Our last day for 2022 will be Wednesday 21st December and we will be re-open 6:30am Tuesday 3rd January 2023. The vacation care program will be out in a few weeks so keep an eye out for that. If anyone has any plastic bottles (any size), milk bottles (any size), jars or paper towel tubes, we are collecting these items for Summer vacation care. Anything we can get will be a big help. Please bring them to the ROSHC office. Thanks!
Want to join the in the fun at before or after school care or at the next vacation care? Send an email to for a enrolment pack!
Want to join the team at ROSHC? Send your resume through to or bring it to the ROSHC office in the school hall!
Have your details changed?
Please email or phone 4617 7333 to let us know if your contact details (email address, mobile number or home address), family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
Lost Property
We are trying to solve the case of the missing umbrella as it holds sentimental value to its owner. It is a clear blue-rimmed dome umbrella with lego images on it. If you have seen it or have found it, could you please hand it in to the office as soon as possible? Thank you for your help!
Your child can retrieve items from our general lost and found before school, at morning tea/lunch breaks and after school each day. The lost and found box is located on the verandah of the uniform shop and holds all the wayward belongings for the school. We have lunch boxes, water bottles, jumpers, hats and more!
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.