Special Edition Newsletter - Term 3 Week 10 - 2022
Principal's Update
Dear Parents and Care Givers,
What a term of Learning, Achieving and Growing! Today's reflections by our students on parade indicated they have loved all of the academic, sporting, cultural and musical opportunities on offer for all. We have seen major facility improvements across B, H, I, X and P Blocks which will only enhance the access and learning opportunities for all.
A Year with Frog and Toad
What an amazing showcase of our student, staff and community talents on Monday night. I am continually in awe of the student’s abilities. To have 72% of our Year 3-6 student body involved in our Choral and Instrumental Program is a significant feat and their successes were on full display for everyone to enjoy! Thank you to our families and community for your support; children’s skills and abilities do not just occur with a couple of hours practice at school each week. Your commitment and support of our amazing students is fantastic. The pride that you all displayed for the achievements of our students on the night was significant. Thank you and congratulations to our staff across the school and especially within the music department – Mrs Johansen, Mr Smith and Mr Henry.
Finally, to the most important people in our school – our students. Congratulations to Olivia, Evelyn and the rest of the lead performers and to all of the cast for your dedication and commitment to ensuring the musical and performances were such an amazing showcase of your abilities and our wonderful school.
Thank you to our Music Parents for their efforts in organising and running a very successful Music Raffle this year. Over $2300 was raised through this mammoth effort and all funds will continue to support the Music Department now and into the future.
Community Spirit and Care
On Tuesday afternoon, an older gentleman fell outside our main school gates. I would like to pass on sincere gratitude to the families who cared for this gentleman and applied first aid and support for him. Your care and support were greatly appreciated.
NAPLAN Results and ICAS Results.
2022 NAPLAN reports arrived at school today and will be distributed after the holidays. Mrs Keightley will also be distributing the ICAS results on parade starting Week 1 on Term Four. Thank you for your patience awaiting these results.
Term 4 Friday Sport
The sports that will be on offer are: Cricket, Volleyball, Touch and AFL. We are facing significant difficulties securing transport for these sports at this point in time. We will be notifying families today regarding transport costs and permission forms as sport starts Week 1 Term 4.
Term 3 Friday Afternoon Sport Payments
We currently have over $1800 not paid for Friday Afternoon Sport this term. This means 1/3 of students who participated have not paid. Students who have not paid their Term Three fees must do so before they can participate in future school excursions and activities.
Year 6 High School Transition
This activity begins in Week Two and year 6 students have received an Activity Consent Form and invoice to participate.
Swimming Lessons - Beginning Week 3 17 October 2022
Swimming lessons will begin on the 17 October 2022, following our students normal HPE Timetable. Invoices will be distributed early next term.
Year Five Camp
Year Five Camp will take place in Week Four. Final notes will be sent to families early next term.
Year One and Two Amaroo Excursions
Year One and Two Amaroo Excursions will be held in Week Four. Please keep an eye out for future communication.
Safe and Relaxing Holidays
On behalf of our entire staff and community, we wish you all a fabulous and safe Spring break. Please enjoy the beautiful outdoors of our wonderful community.
Principal's Quote of the Week
"Spring flowers are nature's most fragrant charms".
Angie Weiland-Crosby