Special Edition Book Week Newsletter - Term 3 Week 8 - 2022
Dreaming with eyes open...
We had a wonderful celebration of books across five days during Book Week 2022.
Book Swap
Thank you to families who brought in books from home to swap at our daily book swap. The students loved this addition to book week with numbers increasing each day.
Book Hunt
We hid 5 mini books throughout the school each day and the students were buzzing with excitement as they tried to find them. On the final day we hid 10 books and there is still one missing!!
Dare to Dream
Over 30 families enjoyed a twilight visit to our library where they read stories under the stars (fairy lights). We loved this relaxing and magical opportunity to share our library with families.
Inaugural staff Book Club
Staff were invited to a Book Club where we shared our favourite childhood story. It was wonderful to see staff embracing their love of reading and share how this has influenced their adult lives. Thanks to Mrs Clowes and Mrs Hall for organising this.
Write A Book in a Week Challenge
We loved hearing classes work together to write a book in a week as a whole school challenge. Classes were given a main character and some special words that needed to be used in their writing. The best part was that each student in the class had to contribute to each page of the story, either through their ideas, writing, illustrating, editing or colouring in. Mr Kidd is still reading all of the wonderful stories and coming up with a prize for the classes who participated. We will make these stories available for borrowing in our school library.
Chalk & Cheese
Students could draw their favourite characters or their dreams in chalk and say “Cheese” for the camera.
Book Week Parade
What a joyous community effort from families, students and staff at Rangeville SS. We were able to celebrate our love of reading. There were some amazing costumes but most importantly, everyone had fun celebrating their favourite books and characters.
Class prize
Instead of celebrating the best costume, we opted to have a class raffle. Each class selected one winner who could redeem their winning ticket for a beautiful book linked to this year’s theme of Dreaming with eyes open.
Thank you to Mrs Horncy for sharing her ideas and enthusiasm to make this year’s Book Week a success! We can’t wait for Book Week 2023!
Mrs Smiddy, Mrs Mohr, Miss Tonkin and Mrs Horncy