School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 7 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Year 6 Chinese Cultural Excursion
Toowoomba Teams Chess Championship
School Disco
Guidance Officer News
Sport News
Book Week Costume Parade
STEM After School Program
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Have your details changed?
Lost Property
News from the Community
Principal's News
Book Week 2022
A love of reading is what our 2022 Book Week focus has been about. The children’s and staffs' enthusiasm to find little books and time for sustained, self-selected reading that excites and interests them has been magical. The way in which our activities have built excitement, engagement and sharing a love of reading has made this week special. Tuesday night typified the focus of Book Week 2022, when over 30 families enjoyed quality, uninterrupted time during the twilight visits to our library where family members big and small relaxed and spent time exploring everything our wonderful library has to offer.
Today, our children and staff expressed their love of reading through the traditional Book Week parade. As always, the efforts made by our families to celebrate this culminating event is always impressive. However, this year, our Book Week hasn’t just been about the impressive, home made costume that has mattered. It’s been about helping our children fall in love with reading.
Thank you to our fabulous Book Week committee of Mrs Mohr, Mrs Smiddy, Mrs Horncy and Ms Tonkin and the many other volunteers who have played a part in making Book Week 2022 a wonderful, magical experience for all at Rangeville.
Book Week 2022 - Photos from the Library Twilight Evening, Bookswap, Chalk & Cheese and Rangeville Staff Book Club
State Wide Pupil Free Day – Friday 2 September 2022
Next Friday, a State-Wide Pupil Free Day will occur. Students are not to attend school.
Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 6 September 3 – 7 pm
The Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday 6 September from 3 pm – 7 pm in a similar fashion to our Term 1 Parent Teacher Interviews. All interviews will be held in our W Block Hall and information for families will be sent home early next week.
Welcome to Prep in 2023 Beau!
Yesterday, we held our 2nd Get Set for Prep morning with over 60 pre-Prep students like Beau and their families enthusiastically partaking in the planned transitional activities designed to help our future students and their families feel comfortable and connected to our school and community and by the look of this proud young man all dressed in his 2023 school uniform, he clearly already belongs to our wonderful school and community.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
A reminder that mobile phones must be signed in at the office when arriving to school and signed out on departure. Any device, such as a smart watch, that can send/receive text messages or make/ receive phone calls are to be disabled during school time.
Mrs Anice Holdsworth
Congratulations to and thank you to, Mrs Anice Holdsworth who recently announced her retirement from Education Qld and Rangeville State School. Annice commenced work with the department in September 1978 and has had a very long (over 20 years) association with Rangeville State School. In my time of being Principal, Anice has positively contributed to the Administration team and SEP Team. We wish Anice, her husband Mark and her family all the best with the future ahead. Enjoy retirement Anice and the exciting adventures that await.
On A Personal Note
Thank you to Mrs Hodgson who acted as Principal while I was on family leave recently. It is always great to know that the school is in safe and wonderful hands while away.
Thank you to our other members of our leadership team, Mrs Hagley, Mrs Franklin, Ms Beaker and Mr Manttan for their support and leadership as well during this time. To come back an know that everything is safe, positive and the agenda continued as normal is a real strength of our school. Thank you everyone for your support as well. As a family we had a wonderful learning experience and Amelia, our middle daughter, who represented the QLD Under 12’s did a wonderful job in the inaugural Under 12 girls AFL National Competition in Adelaide.
Principal's Quote of the Week
"Anything we can to do help establish a culture of reading in our family will help establish reading for pleasure as a normalised behaviour for our children now and into the future".
Calendar of Events
Monday 29 August | ICAS Mathematics Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 30 August | DD Cricket Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Friday 2 September | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 6 September | Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship |
Thursday 8 September | R U OK Day |
Friday 9 September | Interschool Sport Concludes |
Monday 12 September | School Musical |
Tuesday 13 September | P&C Meeting |
Friday 16 September | Last Day of Term 3 |
Year 6 Chinese Cultural Excursion
The experience at Chung Tian Temple was exciting. The tea ceremony was relaxing and the high mountain tea was delicious. We had fun doing calligraphy with the brush tip pens. Taiji was calming and great for the muscles and anyone can do it easily. We went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch and the custard buns was my favourite dish while the noodles seemed popular to many others. Written by Isley.
On the excursion, we got to drink Taiwanese high mountain tea, practise Chinese calligraphy, make a wish by ringing a bell and do some Taiji. We also visited a Chinese restaurant for a 6 course lunch which was my favourite part of the day. Written by Xavier.
Year 6 Chinese Cultural Excursion
Toowoomba Teams Chess Championship
On Tuesday 6th September the Toowoomba Teams Chess Championship will be held. If there is enough interest we will organise teams from Rangeville State School. This competition is a great opportunity for children who haven’t competed before, to have fun and play in teams. There is also a novice division for years 1-3 to compete.
Activity Details:
Venue: Toowoomba Christian College (TCC), 10852 New England Highway, Highfields
- Students will need to make their own way to and from the event.
- Mrs Prue Cunningham from Rangeville State School will be at the championship to supervise students.
- Parents, family members and friends are all welcome at the tournament.
- Cost $21.25 per student.
If you wish for your child to participate in the activity, please email Mrs Prue Cunningham at so that forms, payment details and teams can be arranged. For further information about the activity please visit
School Disco
Date Claimer!
The Student Council has scheduled a School Disco for Thursday 8 September. Times are as follows:
- Prep - 2 will be from 4pm - 5pm
- Year 3 - 6 will be from 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding Homelessness Awareness Week courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Sport News
Toowoomba Schools Cricket Selection
Lennox J and Max W in Year 6 attended the Toowoomba Schools Cricket trials last week. A big congratulations to Max who has been selected in the Toowoomba team and will now progress through to the Regional trials later this term.
This is a big selection as an 11 year old in the under 12 team. Max was also named last year as a shadow player in the same team. Persistence and hard work does pay!
Book Week Costume Parade
Please keep an eye out for a special Book Week celebration newsletter which will be distibuted next week!
STEM After School Program
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday September 13 at 6:30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C office - 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Fathers Day Stall
Sales for Fathers Day stall purchases close tonight (August 26th at 6pm) unless sold out earlier.
There is an enormous amount of gifts available to buy for the special men in your children's life. Please support this stall through Flexischools.
Please note: If the amount is sold out on Flexischools please order $5 amounts up to what you would have purchased and they can just select a few $5 gifts to make up the dollar amount. Thank you for your support of this stall.
Thank you to the volunteers that have worked many hours, over many days to make this stall happen for our Rangeville State School students. Without them this would not have been possible.
Thank you to the amazing businesses that have supported this stall.
All classes are booked into shop Monday or Tuesday next week during class time. The stall will not be open before or after school.
Musical Raffle tickets on sale!
Book Club
What is Book Club?
Scholastic Book Club gives children access to books and encourages excitement around reading. With each issue, students get very excited to look through the catalogue! Your child will be bringing home their Book Club catalogue from school, so look out for it in their school bag.
Why does Rangeville State School run Book Club?
- Our school believes in promoting and supporting literacy at school
and at home to help your child become an independent reader. - Book Club is divided into sections with recommended ages to allow easy access to the books they like, at the appropriate reading level.
- Every Issue contains affordable books from just $3.
- A wide range of titles from the latest releases to the classics, and also reading and learning activities.
The Benefits of Ordering through Book Club
- For every purchase 20% in Scholastic Rewards goes back to our school to spend on resources.
- Free, easy delivery to our school.
- Your child will love the experience of choosing their own books and receiving them in class.
How to Order on Book Club
- Simple online ordering process through LOOP
- Each Issue of Book Club is only offered for a limited time, so order as soon as you can!
Looking to volunteer to help with Book Club deliveries? We would love your help! Please email and we will add you to our volunteer email list.
Drakes Supermarket
Have you downloaded the myDrakes app? If not please do! Scan your myDrakes ID QR code at the checkout and every dollar you spend will help towards our Community Dollars for the P&C.
Upcoming Fundraisers
- Rangeville State School Run 4 Fun Colour explosion – Lock in the date - Thursday 17 November 1-3pm. Please click here to register your interest to help with this fun event.
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
Volunteers always needed!
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop each week.
We have tried the best we can to juggle all the recent price rises from all our suppliers, but we are at the point where prices are going to have to go up to cover our ever-increasing costs. All new prices will be on Flexischools when you order from next week. Thak you for your support of this necessary increase.
Feel free to have a chat with Nicky or Juliette to find out what a difference volunteering an hour after drop off can make to Nicky in her day. Weekly specials can be found here Rangeville P&C Facebook Page
Not sure how to use Flexischools ? CLICK HERE for further instructions.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
The uniform shop is cashless. Either pop in when the shop is open and try on sizes or if you know what you want then order on Flexischools before 4pm and get your order delivered to your childs classroom in the next day. If you miss the 4pm cut off it will be delivered the following school day. Thank you.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Over at ROSHC it has been an explorative time with the children investigating, hypothesising, experimenting and researching for science week and letting characters come to life with book week celebrations.
The children have learned how to make a volcano from vinegar and bicarb soda, explored their senses with slime and stress balls and even making lava lamps while learning about density! Through science activities children are able to develop and practice many different skills and attributes such as communication skills, collaborative skills, team working and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
For book week the children have been very imaginative and made book marks for reading, created a story book with imaginative characters and even made some props to dress up with! Activities such as this allow children to explore creatively and build imagination in a positive environment.
Vacation Care
Keep a close eye on your emails and Xplor app for the vacation care program which will be released in the coming days.
Bookings will be accepted from Monday 29th August.
Book between 29th August and 9th September for the discounted early bird fee!
Any booking received after 9th September will be full fee.
Cancellations must be made 7 days in advance charges to be avoided
Want to join us at vacation care? Send a email to for a enrolment pack!
Want to join the team at ROSHC? Send your resume through to or bring it to the ROSHC office in the school hall!
ROSHC Science Week
Have your details changed?
Please email or phone 4617 7333 to let us know if your contact details (including email address, mobile number or home address), family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
Lost Property
Are you struggling to solve the Mystery of the Missing Glasses? Parents, please call or drop by the Administration Office where valuable items (including books, purses and reading glasses) are held.
Your child can retrieve items from our general lost and found before school, at morning tea/lunch breaks and after school each day. The lost and found box is located on the verandah of the uniform shop and holds all the wayward belongings for the school. We have lunch boxes, water bottles, jumpers, hats and more!
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.