School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 3 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Travelling safely to and from school
ICAS Assessments
Guidance Officer News
Sport News
Book Week Costume Parade
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Lost Property
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
News from the Community
Principal's News
Congratulations to our 96 Prep students, families and staff who today celebrated their first 100 days of school. We have loved playing a part in ensuring all are Learning, Achieving and Growing during every one of the 100 days.
The annual suite of School Opinion Surveys has been sent to all families and will conclude on the 12 August. All families, school staff and students in target year levels (5,6,8 and 11) are invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve. It only takes 5 minutes and means a great deal to your student’s future. Keep an eye out for yours!
Can’t find your invitation? If your family has more than one parent/caregiver, check that they haven’t received the invitation and/or check your junk email folder as well.
Interschool Friday Afternoon Sport
This week sees the start of interschool sport for our senior students. The students will represent the school in soccer, netball or rugby league. We know they will do a fantastic job representing our school well and wish them good luck across the Friday Afternoon Sport Term 3 season.
Thanks to the 73 parents who have already completed our enrolment forms for their 2023 Prep child. This means, we already have 4 Prep classes almost filled and we are working hard to achieve our goal of 5 Prep classes for 2023. Our 2023 enrolment forms are now available and Mrs Allen our enrolment officer is able to support you to begin the process of enrolment ASAP.
We are also accepting enrolment for our Years One – Year Six children for 2023 and beyond 2023 as well.
This year we are excited to celebrate the Book Week theme of ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’ with a sweet of engaging and fun activities August 22-26 will present us with opportunities to swap books, enter competitions and culminate with our dress as a book character parade. We can’t wait to ‘Dream with eyes open…’ as we celebrate Reading at Rangeville.
STUDENT FREE DAY – 2 September
Friday 2 September is a gazetted Student Free Day. The day is intended for professional development and collaboration. As part of an agreement developed with the Local Consultative Committee earlier this year, staff have participated in a range of activities outside school hours and, as a result, will not be in attendance on this day.
Principal's Quote of the Week:
Calendar of Events
Tuesday 2 August | Year 6 Brisbane Chinese Cultural Excursion (6L & 6H) |
Monday 8 August | Range Zone Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Tuesday 9 August | ICAS Writing & Digital Technologies Testing Window Opens |
Friday 12 August | Multi-Class (AWD) DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Monday 15 August | ICAS English Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 16 August | Zone Cricket Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Wednesday 17 August | Zone Cricket Trials (Girls 10-12 years) |
Thursday 18 August | Year 6 Brisbane Chinese Cultural Excursion (6MB & 6RB) |
Monday 22 August | Book Week Commences |
Tuesday 23 August | DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Thursday 25 August | Get Set for Prep Day |
Friday 26 August | Bookweek Costume Parade, 9am |
Monday 29 August | ICAS Mathematics Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 30 August | DD Cricket Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Friday 2 September | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 6 September | Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship |
Thursday 8 September | R U OK Day |
Friday 9 September | Interschool Sport Concludes |
Monday 12 September | School Musical |
Tuesday 13 September | P&C Meeting |
Friday 16 September | Last Day of Term 3 |
QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland state school students with 24-hour access to their child's information. The portal allows you to securely access information about your child and communicate directly with your child's school.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details
- payment of invoices
- payment history
- behaviour
- report cards and assessment dates
- upcoming events
- timetables
- student photo
We encourage you to register for QParents. To do this, simply express your interest by emailing or by phoning 4617 733 and Mrs Llewellyn will email you an invitation to register (which includes your log-in code) and your childs unique EQID. Please see the attached factsheet for more information.
Travelling safely to and from school
All types of travel have inherent risks. Regardless of how any of us travel, it’s important we are mindful of the potential risks and manage them to avoid incidents and injuries.
With the increasing use of rideables such as electric scooters, skateboards and bikes, ensuring the safety of your staff, students and pedestrians is essential.
Please note that Queensland Road Rules apply to e-scooters and e-bikes.
Anyone who scoots, rides or skates to and from school should:
- Wear protective gear and a helmet, which is mandatory if riding an electric scooter or skateboard
- Give way by ringing your bell when approaching pedestrians and overtaking on the right
- Travel at the appropriate and safe speed for the environment in which you are travelling
- Be respectful to pedestrians and other path users and keep out of their way
- Adhere to road rules when riding an e-scooter
- Park responsibly to avoid becoming an obstacle or risk for others.
ICAS Assessments
Reminder that the Parent Payment System will close on 1st of August 2022.
We would like to inform you that Rangeville State School has now registered for the ICAS Assessments this year. We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. These assessments will take place during the day at school. Days and times will be communicated as sitting dates draw near.
Learn more about ICAS here
ICAS Assessments are now online allowing greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.
What you need to do:
2022 Participation
Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for all subjects. Through this system parents need to pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school.
N.B Please read the ICAS privacy statement on the RSS website under Support and Resources - Forms and Documents.
Parent payment system
Reminder that the Parent Payment System will close on 1st of August 2022.
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
- read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (
- go to Parent Portal here: (
- enter our school’s access code –AIN287
- enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please check cut off dates for each subject register.
A permission form will need to be completed if you wish for your child to participate in this year ICAS. Permission forms can also be found on the RSS website - Forms and Documents or collected from the office.
Judy Keightley
ICAS co-ordinator
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article which delves into Mindfulness for Children, courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Sport News
Congratulations to our fantastic Rangeville runners Lincoln, Felix, Grace, Ryder, Noah and Jemma who competed in the Toowoomba Schools 1500m trials in cold and windy conditions which took place at The Glennie School on Wednesday 27 July.
Special mention to the following students who have been selected to progress through to the Darling Downs Trials:
- Lincoln
- Ryder
- Jemma
Book Week Costume Parade
Book Week is running through Week 7 of the term - 22 to 26 August (more information to come), BUT the biggest event is the Book Week Costume Parade. The Parade will take place on Friday 26th August, starting at 9am. This will be an outside parade and all families are invited to come and watch (weather permitting).
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday August 9th at 6:30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C office - 07 4617 7354
P&C Facebook page - Rangeville State School P&C
Did you know that we have a Facebook page? We would love you to follow us so that you can hear all about what's happening around Rangeville State School.
Book Club
Book Club closes today (29th July) for the current issue – Issue 5
Please remember that Scholastic Book Club is run by P&C volunteers and for each issue, deliveries from Scholastic generally arrive over the course of a few days. If your order isn't sent home on the exact day as others, please leave it a few days before emailing or ringing the school.
Looking to volunteer to help the termly Book Club deliveries? We would love your help! Please email and we will add you to our volunteer's email list.
Drakes Supermarket
Have you downloaded the myDrakes app? If not please do! Scan your myDrakes ID QR code at the checkout and every dollar you spend will help towards our Community Dollars for the P&C.
Fathers Day Stall
Packing date: Monday 15th August and Tuesday 16th during the school day
Stall date: Monday and Tuesday the 29th and 30th August (due to the pupil free day on Friday September 2nd ). More information on the stall will be sent out closer to the date.
Pack and prepare volunteers: Interested in helping to pack and prepare for the stall? Please click here to pick a time or two to come in and help
Donations needed: No time, but would love to donate items? - We are looking for donations of:
- Chocolate bars (assorted kinds)
- Bags of microwavable popcorn packets ($0.89 each at Aldi).
Please drop any donations into the school office or leave them in the box at the ROSHC.
Rebel Sport
Did you know that Rebel Sport purchases can help towards our Rangeville State School Community? Make sure your Rebel Card is linked to Rangeville State School when you make your next purchase at Rebel Sport.
Upcoming Fundraisers
Colour Run – are you interested in helping out in Term 4? Please click here
At the moment we only have one volunteer registered to help with planning, which makes locking in a date for the colour run hard. Please register your interest if you might be able to help with this fun event.
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
Volunteers always needed!
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop, but we really need a few more. Feel free to have a chat with Nicky or Juliette to find out what a difference an hour after drop off can make to Nicky in her day. We are really busy with orders at the moment and love that people are buying all Nickys homemade hot meals and fabulous weekly specials. Please see our Facebook page for what's on offer each week Rangeville P&C Facebook Page
No cash orders will be accepted over the counter before school. Please place all orders on Flexischools before 8:30am.
Not sure how to use Flexischools ? CLICK HERE for further instructions.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Over at ROSHC we have been going creatively crazy! Children have explored creatively in every possible way which is an important way of learning.
Creative activities: why they’re important for school-age learning and development
School-age children usually take a keen interest in creative activities. This is great because creative activities like drama, singing, dancing, art and craft help school-age children to:
- develop creativity and imagination
- build confidence
- express emotions, thoughts and ideas in verbal and non-verbal ways
- learn about the world from someone else’s point of view
- practise decision-making, problem-solving and critical thinking
- practise and improve social skills
- develop physical and motor skills
- Even boredom can encourage children to be creative. So can relaxation – for example, laying on the grass and watching the clouds change their shape.
The cold has kept us inside but that hasn’t stopped the children from being super active. Dancing and line tag have been the most popular games we have seen in a long time!
Educators have already begun planning for Spring vacation care so please don’t forget to send any ideas you would like to see through to the ROSHC team.
Thank you to all the parents and community members who have been donating to our community pantry, library, and clothing rack. This was an initiative taken by children to help our community. Don’t forget you are always welcome to take what you need or want at no obligation to return anything.
OSHC Educators’ Day!
To celebrate OSHC educators’ day the children with the help of some staff made gifts such as tags and decorated plates and cups. The ROSHC team also enjoyed an afternoon tea to celebrate being an educator. This year’s theme is OOSH Educators: Rising to every challenge. How have you noticed our educators rising to the challenge that can be OSHC. Be sure to let the team know how appreciated they are!
ROSHC gets creative!
Lost Property
Are you struggling to solve the Mystery of the Missing Glasses? Parents, please call or drop by the office where valuable items (including books, purses and reading glasses) are held.
Your child can retrieve items from our general lost and found before school, at morning tea/lunch breaks and after school each day. The lost and found box is located on the verandah of the uniform shop and holds all the wayward belongings for the school. We have lunch boxes, water bottles, jumpers, hats and more!
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
Works planned from 1 to 4 August
- Start electrical works at each corner. Traffic flow will not be affected.
- Start installing sandstone-coloured concrete at each corner to distinguish footpaths.
Future road closures
- Sunday, 7 August from 6.30am to 6pm – South Street closed for the installation of traffic light poles. Traffic will be maintained on High Street. Refer to attachment one for a map.
- 3pm Sunday 14 August to 7am Monday 15 August - Full intersection closure to seal the road with new asphalt and start new linemarking.
- 2am to 7am Tuesday 16 August - Complete linemarking. Please note: Any outstanding linemarking will be completed by mid-morning (after peak traffic).
- Please note, the above timings will be dependant on weather and contractor timing. We will advise any changes as we become aware.
- From mid-morning Tuesday 16 August - Traffic lights will be operational.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.
Toowoomba State High School Enrolments for Year 7 2023 are now open! All students from all locations are welcome after the removal of our enrolment management plan. Enrolment forms are available on our website or at the school office.
To find out more, come to our enrolment information evening on Tuesday 2nd August 5:30PM-7PM:
- Hear from the Principal
- Learn about what our wonderful school has to offer and see what Year 7 looks like in 2023
- Learn about our Performing Arts and Mountain Biking Academy