School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 1 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Get Set for Prep Day
Year 5 Chinese Cultural Day
Interschool Sport Introduction Year 3-4
Crazy Hair Day
Cleaner Vacancies
School Zones and School Crossings
ICAS Assessments
Integrated STEM
Guidance Officer News
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Tuckshop News
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
News from the Community
Principal's News
Welcome back to all Rangeville families and a special welcome to our 6 new students and their families who began with us this term. We know that you are going to love being part of the Rangeville family and watching your children Learn, Achieve and Grow every day. There certainly has been a buzz throughout our school this week and this has been amplified by the Queensland Conservatoriums, Griffith University two-day music work shop for our instrumental music program.
Semester 1, 2022 Achievements
In 2022, our school’s explicit improvement agenda is focused on improving the following areas:
- Quality Teaching & Learning with a precise focus on Reading
- Wellbeing: a whole school approach to supporting students’ engagement, wellbeing and mental health
In Semester One our collective achievements are as follows:
The above results and celebrations are positively reflective of the beginning of our new strategic plan (2022- 2025). For the first time, I have included our indigenous data as a reflective tool. Whilst this was not originally specifically identified in our new strategic planning, it remains a significant priority of our system and school moving forward. As we can see there are significant gaps for our students and I look forward to working with our staff and community to proactively support all students moving forward.
WYNNUM STATE HIGH SCHOOL: Instrumental Music: DARLING DOWNS TOUR Tuesday 21 June 2022
During the last week of Term Two, we had the pleasure of Wynnum State High School collaborating with our Concert Band and instrumental music students as part of their Darling Downs Music Tour. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to collaborate and learn with older students and staff from another Region. The culminating activity was a whole school concert. A wonderful collaboration between the two schools with potential for future sharing and learning opportunities. Thank you to Mr Henry and Mr Smith for their efforts and organisation and our students who did an amazing job and certainly impressed the staff from Wynnum who indicated that our students’ skills and abilities were significantly above other primary schools they work with in Brisbane.
Channel 7 Weather Presentation
On Monday 12 of July, Channel 7 weather man, Livio Regano led our Year 6 students and staff through an informative session regarding the weather and the impacts on natural disasters. This was a wonderful, real life introduction for our students who begin their natural disasters unit this term. The session was also filmed and shown on the news on Tuesday evening and in Channel 7’s social media.
Facilities Update:
- Outdoor Learning Environment: EDUMarking: Mr Andrew Brandon, Assistant Regional Director, passed on his congratulations to the P&C and community for the implementation of the EDUMarking outdoor learning stencils. He was very impressed about the positive environmental visual impacts and outdoor learning opportunities for our students, staff and community.
- A Block: Asbestos removal and new carpets has occurred and the learning environment will also be painted in the near future.
- I Block Renovations: The renovations to the instrumental room and the new carpets in both rooms has been completed and look fantastic.
- B Block Ramp and Covered Links: Work has begun on this area as per below photos. This area will be fenced off for the next 6-8 weeks while this work is completed. Movement around B Block and to the Senior Toilets is restricted. Students will be able to access I Block but will have to walk around the fenced off area. Access to the toilets are still available just by a restricted pathway. Access to the Yr 5/6 Computer lab will be via the door into Mrs Brouwers’ classroom only.
COVID Vaccination Mandate for High Risk Workplaces
As advised by the Director-General, at the end of Term 2, the Premier announced that the Chief Health Officer will amend the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Workers in a high-risk setting Direction, effective from 1am, 30 June 2022.
This means that after this date, workers and volunteers will no longer be required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to attend schools or early childhood education and care settings in Queensland. This applies to all workers in our school, such as contractors, volunteers, service providers, regulators and auditors.
I would like to reassure you that while the Chief Health Officer has repealed this direction and deemed that schools are no longer a high-risk setting, the vast majority of staff in our school are vaccinated for COVID-19.
Our school continues to have a range of COVID-safe measures in place, including:
- maintaining good hygiene practices, including regular hand washing, use of hand sanitiser.
- continuing enhanced cleaning, including sick rooms and student or child service areas.
- encouraging all staff and students to stay home when sick, get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms, and follow Queensland Health advice for positive cases and close contacts.
- providing rapid antigen tests (RATs) to students and staff who develop symptoms while at school, priority access to RATs at Queensland Health testing clinics and provision of RATs for close contacts where available.
From the commencement of Term 3, there have been staff returning to our school who are unvaccinated. This is a choice they made for their own personal reasons, and in line with Queensland Health vaccination requirements, they have been excluded from attending our school since the start of the year.
However, they are now welcome back on site and I ask that you treat them with courtesy and respect in the same way as you would treat anyone else, just as they will to you. If you have any questions or concerns, as always please feel free to contact me.
2022 School Opinion Survey
The suite of School Opinion Surveys are undertaken each year by State Schools Division to obtain opinions about school from parents/caregivers, students and school staff. The surveys are designed to help schools identify what they do well and find areas which may need improvement.
This year's School Opinion Surveys will be officially open 18 July to 12 August 2022. Parents and Care Givers will be sent a survey link via email in the coming days. The survey will only take between 2-5 minutes to complete and the answers are vital to our improvement strategies moving forward. We appreciate the time, effort and feedback you provide through this process. Please keep an eye out for yours in your email.
Crazy Hair Day – Last Day of Term 2
Thank you very much to the whole school community for their commitment and fund-raising efforts as part of our Crazy Hair Day last term. As a school on the day we raised $1451.25 and via the fundraising website an additional $550 was raised ensuring we smashed our $1200 fundraising goal. Thank you to everyone for your contributions and efforts and all money raised will be given to Cooper Bothmann who was raising money for the Shave for a Cure blood cancer cause. Please enjoy some of the images captured from the morning.
Staffing Update:
- Welcome to Mr Jason Manttan who joins our team this term as Head of Department. I am excited by Jason’s leadership experience, skills and passion and what he will bring to our whole school and look forward to the positive possibilities ahead.
- Welcome to our new Chaplain, Mrs Sophie Gittins who has commence in the chaplain role today.
- Welcome back to Mrs Amanda Rafton, Mrs Leesa Darvineza, Ms Julie Peters, and Mrs Anice Holdsworth who will commence their specific roles this term.
- Thank you to Ms Shae-Lee Campbell for her work and efforts last term in 1C. Ms Campbell will now take up the DRT role for this term. Mrs Darvineza will take over the 1C class for the rest of the year.
- Congratulations to Mrs Ruth Brouwer who was made permanent to Rangeville on the last day of Term 2. Very exciting news for her and our school.
- Thank you to Mrs Sarah Courtney for her time, efforts and commitment to the students, staff and community of Rangeville State School and Rangeville P&C. Sarah’s time as P&C President has seen significant changes in P&C personnel, policy and procedures and most importantly positive impact on student learning. I have greatly appreciated, Sarah’s support and commitment to our wonderful school and have appreciated every challenge, big or small has been addressed positively and with always the best intentions for achieving greatness for our school and community. Sarah has certainly led our P&C enabling us to provide opportunity and support for the greater Rangeville community and ensuring our business units are effective, efficient and sustainable while also trying to maximise community engagement and supporting our students and staff to succeed. Thank you, Sarah for your time, efforts and commitment as Rangeville P&C President. Welcome and congratulations to Mr Aiden Embrey who has stepped up as P&C President for the remainder of the year. We look forward to another successful year together.
Principal's Quote of the Week
It must be a genuine commitment by all of us to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!
Calendar of Events
Tuesday 19 July | DD Rugby League Trials (Girls 12 years) |
Friday 22 July | Interschool Sport Commences |
Wednesday 27 July | Get Set for Prep Day |
Thursday 28 July | Toowoomba Eisteddford: Part 2 begins |
Tuesday 2 August | Year 6 Brisbane Chinese Cultural Excursion (2 classes) |
Monday 8 August | Range Zone Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Tuesday 9 August | ICAS Writing & Digital Technologies Testing Window Opens |
Friday 12 August | Multi-Class (AWD) DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Monday 15 August | ICAS English Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 16 August | Zone Cricket Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Wednesday 17 August | Zone Cricket Trials (Girls 10-12 years) |
Thursday 18 August | Year 6 Brisbane Chinese Cultural Excursion (2 classes) |
Monday 22 August | Book Week Commences |
Tuesday 23 August | DD Track & Field (Athletics) Carnival (Boys & Girls 10-12 years) |
Thursday 25 August | Get Set for Prep Day |
Monday 29 August | ICAS Mathematics Testing Window Opens |
Tuesday 30 August | DD Cricket Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Friday 2 September | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 6 September | Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship |
Thursday 8 September | R U OK Day |
Friday 9 September | Interschool Sport Concludes |
Monday 12 September | School Musical |
Tuesday 13 September | P&C Meeting |
Friday 16 September | Last Day of Term 3 |
Get Set for Prep Day
Do you have a child commencing Prep next year? We still have spaces available for our upcoming Get Set For Prep day on Wednesday 27th July from 9:15am to 10:30am. Join us for a fun morning of activities at Rangeville State School and experience Learning, Achieving and Growing Every Day. Please book a ticket for each adult that will be attending here: Get Set for Prep July Tickets, Wed 27/07/2022 at 9:15 am | Eventbrite
Year 5 Chinese Cultural Day
Year 5 Chinese Cultural Day 2022
My experience at the Chinese Cultural Day was amazing. My favourite activity was Chinese painting where we painted a Chinese gourd. The gourd looks like the number eight which is a lucky number in Chinese. We used Chinese paints and Chinese brushes to paint the gourd, the leaves and the vine. It was a great day and I wish we could do it again. ~Audrey
I loved everything in Chinese Cultural Day and nothing could change my mind. Thank you Mrs Tay for organising it! ~Lucy
My favourite part of it was when we learnt Kungfu and it was lots of fun. When we were learning Kungfu, the man showed us a special routine with a special sword. Evie
I really enjoyed the Chinese Cultural Day. My favourite part of the day was when the Chinese instrument (Gu Zheng) was played. The entire day was packed with excitement and I would definitely do it again. ~ Ella
It was just like a day in China and we got to do some of the some of the Chinese cultural activities. It was so fun. I can’t wait to go to Brisbane next year and learn more. ~ Lilly
Chinese Cultural Day 2022
Interschool Sport Introduction Year 3-4
On Thursdays of every even week during term three and four, myself and the year three to four teachers will be providing our students with the opportunity to learn the basic skills and knowledge required to engage in a variety of sports. These sports will consist of, AFL, Volleyball, T-Ball, Touch Football, Soccer, Cricket and Netball. Students will have the opportunity to engage in some of these sports once they are in Years 5-6.
Throughout Years 5-6, students have the opportunity to travel on the bus around Toowoomba to compete against other schools. My aim for the Years 3-4 students is to enhance their excitement about sport in readiness for when they are in Years 5-6, along with feeling skilled and knowledgeable across a range of different sports. All of us are looking forward to working with your child/children and seeing their growth and further development throughout the remainder of the year.
Mr Cobb
Crazy Hair Day
We are delighted to share with you some Crazy Hair highlights from our last Friday of term 2. Our students and staff went above and beyond with their colourful, creative and crazy hairstyles. The initiative helped raise more than $1,451.25 for blood cancer research which resulted in Rangeville State School reaching our goal, plus a bit more. As promised, Mr Kidd shaved his head on parade in support of a great cause. Thank you all for your incredible support.
Crazy Hair Day Highlights
Cleaner Vacancies
Rangeville State School is currently looking for School Cleaners to work at our school in a casual capacity. If you are interested in this work, which might be working before or after school, please send an expression of interest to
All cleaners working in our school must have a paid Blue Card and undertake a Criminal History Check. Please contact Lisa Maslen, Business Manager, for further information on 4617 7333.
School Zones and School Crossings
A gentle reminder from Road Safety Toowoomba about how we can all use school zones and school crossings to ensure the safety of our students.
ICAS Assessments
Reminder that the Parent Payment System will close on 1st of August 2022.
We would like to inform you that Rangeville State School has now registered for the ICAS Assessments this year. We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. These assessments will take place during the day at school. Days and times will be communicated as sitting dates draw near.
Learn more about ICAS here
ICAS Assessments are now online allowing greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.
What you need to do:
2022 Participation
Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for all subjects. Through this system parents need to pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school.
N.B Please read the ICAS privacy statement on the RSS website under Support and Resources - Forms and Documents.
Parent payment system
Reminder that the Parent Payment System will close on 1st of August 2022.
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
- read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (
- go to Parent Portal here: (
- enter our school’s access code –AIN287
- enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please check cut off dates for each subject register.
A permission form will need to be completed if you wish for your child to participate in this year ICAS. Permission forms can also be found on the RSS website - Forms and Documents or collected from the office.
Judy Keightley
ICAS co-ordinator
Integrated STEM
The Electronics & Wearable Tech After School Program at Rangeville State School commences Tuesday 26 July for years 3-6. The early bird price of $180 has been extended for our school. Please register as soon as possible to avoid missing out!
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached NAIDOC Week 2022 article courtesy of our Guidance Officer, Melissa Pappin.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday August 9th at 6.30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C office - 07 4617 7354
Book Club
The next issue has been sent out and all orders are due in by Friday 29th July.
Please remember that Scholastic Book Club is run by P&C volunteers and for each issue, deliveries from Scholastic generally arrive over the course of a few days. If your order isn't sent home on the exact day as others, please leave it a few days before emailing or ringing the school.
Looking to volunteer to help the termly Book Club deliveries? We would love your help! Please email and we will add you to our volunteer's email list.
Father's Day Stall
Thank you to Kate for volunteering to run this year's Father's Day Stall to allow our children to have the opportunity to ‘shop’ for the special men in their lives.
The stall will be held at the school on Monday 29th and Tuesday the 30th August due to the pupil free day on Friday September 2nd.
Pack and prepare volunteers – interested in helping to pack and prepare for the stall? Monday 15th or Tuesday 16th August during the school day? Please click here to pick a time or two to come in and help
No time? But would love to donate items? - We are looking for donations of chocolate bars (assorted kinds) or Bags of microwavable popcorn packets ($0.89 each at Aldi) to be added to the gifts. Please drop any donations into the school office or leave in the box at the ROSHC. Please note all food donations for the Fathers Day stall need to be checked that they are within the use by date.
More information on the Fathers Day stall will be sent out closer to the date.
Upcoming Fundraisers
- Colour Run – are you interested in helping out Term 4? Please click here
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Tuckshop News
Volunteers always needed!
We would like to thank all our volunteers that turn up to assist at the Tuck shop.
Our kids are so fortunate, especially on these colder winter days to have homemade meals prepared by Nicky each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - Lasagna, Macaroni Cheese, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Butter Chicken, Apple Crumble and Pizza Quesadillas available at both break times.
No cash orders will be accepted over the counter before school. Please place all orders on Flexischools before 8.30am.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Welcome back everyone for term 3. We hope you all had a nice little break.
We had a super busy week of vacation care, due to week one being closed. We had a jam-packed week two of many activities that unfortunately due to weather had to be indoors a lot of the time, but we made the most of it. The children had an abundance of planned activities and spontaneous activities. Some of what was on offer included native animal meetings, mini golf excursion, bubble art, investigate fingerprints, snow mobile races with scooter boards, bop bop, yoga, insect fossils, build a snowman with equipment competition, clay creations, abstract art, marble painting, beading, hama beads, beep test and so much more. It was a great vacation care with so much positive feedback from the children having so much to choose from eachh day, which is always wonderful to hear. Educators will now be planning Spring vacation care so any ideas you have please let us know and we will take them all into consideration.
We have had some staff changes at ROSHC in the last week of term 2. We said goodbye to long time Educator Melissa on the last Friday of term 2. We wish her all the best as she goes off on her new adventure and thank her for all she has done at ROSHC.
We have also said goodbye to Anne as she has moved on to a new venture. We wish her all the best in this and thank her for her time and all she has done for the educators, children and families of ROSHC. If you would like to join the service in saying goodbye to Anne she will be in this Friday the 15th July between 3:00pm - 3:30pm. Please feel free to come down to the assembly hall for this.
With this change Anthony has now stepped into the Nominated Supervisors role along with P&C Executive Emma. If you have any concerns or questions please come and see Anthony in the ROSHC office, he will be more than happy to help. If Anthony is unavailable, our wonderful staff in the ROSHC office will be able to help you with your query.
ROSHC Vacation Care
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
Works planned from 18 to 22 July
- Complete traffic light installation preparation works, excluding installing the lights, on the north-eastern corner.
Future road closures
- The eastern side of the intersection will be closed on Sunday 24 July from 6am to 6pm for stormwater works. Detours will be in place. Local access will be maintained.
- Date TBC. High Street southbound will be closed north of the intersection for manhole works for approximately three hours. Works will be completed outside peak school hours.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.
Toowoomba State High School Enrolments for Year 7 2023 are now open! All students from all locations are welcome after the removal of our enrolment management plan. Enrolment forms are available on our website or at the school office.
To find out more, come to our enrolment information evening on Tuesday 2nd August 5:30PM-7PM:
- Hear from the Principal
- Learn about what our wonderful school has to offer and see what Year 7 looks like in 2023
- Learn about our Performing Arts and Mountain Biking Academy