School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 7 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Student of the Week
Music News - FANFARE 2022
Sport News
Book Fair Competition Winners
Asthma Medication at School
ICAS Assessments
Guidance Officer News
REP Club Update
Parking around the school
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
News from the Community
Principal's News
FANFARE Regional Finalists
Congratulations to our Rangeville Junior and Senior Strings ensembles who have been selected as two of the four Finalists for Regional FANFARE. A huge congratulations to the students of our Strings program for their outstanding performances at the Regional FANFARE competition. Following receipt of their Platinum Award on the day, it was on Monday last week that we learned that as a result of their efforts and skill, the Strings ensembles have each earned a place in the Regional FANFARE finals to be held at the Empire Theatre next Monday 13th June. What a wonderful achievement for our students - a huge congratulations to the children and our amazing Instrumental teacher Mrs Johansen, for her enthusiasm, encouragement and leadership of the Strings program. Our best wishes to the children as they enter the next stage of this state-wide event next Monday afternoon.
2022 TEACHX Awards
Qld College of Teachers - Excellence in Teaching Awards nominations open Nominations have opened for the 2022 QCT Excellence in Teaching (TeachX) Awards, which recognise and celebrate the achievements of inspiring teachers across Queensland. Classroom teachers, Heads of Special Education Services, Deputy Principals and Principals are all eligible for the awards. The six award categories correspond to key stages in a teaching career. The Queensland College of Teachers provides an opportunity for parents to say thank you to outstanding educators who show excellence in and a dedication to their profession. If you know an outstanding teacher, and would like to nominate them today, please click on the following link to the QCT website for nomination details: Congratulations to Ms Danielle Chapman who has been nominated for The Merline Muldoon Memorial Award for Innovation in Teaching of the 2022 TEACHX Awards, presented by the Queensland College of Teachers. We wish her all the best in the shortlisting process that will occur the following week.
Nail Polish and Jewellery
Thank you to the majority of our students who maintain our school uniform expectations. Unfortunately, we have recently seen an increase in students wearing nail polish and jewellery to school. These are not part of our school uniform expectations and ask that our families continue to support of high expectations and standards.
Before School Expectations
At our last assembly we discussed the whole school expectations for students before school to ensure everyone is safe. Over the last month we have seen a large number of children arrive at school between 7:30am and 8am or moving about the school unsupervised. All students without parental supervision are expected to move to our Covered Play Area (CPA) where supervision is provided from 8:25am. Parents who wait with their children before school are asked to wait in the above areas or at the CPA. Please remember that our playgrounds are not supervised and children should not be playing on these outside of supervised play times. Our Rangeville OSHC team provide a wonderful service for our community from 6:30am each morning. If families require their children to be at school before 8:15am, I strongly recommend that you connect with Anne and her team.
Lunchtime Activities
Over the last couple of weeks our children have been enjoying numerous organised sporting opportunities and outdoor learning in our natural learning environments. This week the rainforest has welcomed visits from the 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. At Rangeville we are proud that we can provide our students with beautiful natural environments where our students are invited and encouraged to interact, discover and connect with nature while building on life long skills of spontaneity, creativity, risk taking and exploration. Please see some of the below photos of some of the lunchtime activities enjoyed by our students over the last couple of weeks.
Principal's Quote of the Week
“In nature a child finds freedom, fantasy
and privacy: a place distant from the adult
world, a separate peace that children
should explore and learn from”
Richard Louv
Calendar of Events
Monday 6 June | DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) |
Tuesday 7 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) Range Zone Rugby League Trials (Girls 11-12 years) |
Wednesday 8 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre |
Thursday 9 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre Prep Vision Screening Program |
Friday 10 June | RSS Trials for 1500m Track Event |
Monday 13 June | Athletics Carnival (5-8 years) |
Tuesday 14 June | Athletics Carnival Field Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 15 June | Athletics Carnival Track Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 22 June | Year 5 Cultural Day |
Friday 24 June | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 11 July | First Day of Term 3 |
Tuesday 12 July | P&C Meeting |
Wednesday 13 July | Carbal Medical Hearing Health Screening |
Thursday 14 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops |
Friday 15 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops and Concert |
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Student of the Week recipients in years 3-6.
Music News - FANFARE 2022
The Rangeville State School Concert Band, Junior String Ensemble and Senior String Ensemble recently competed at the regional heats of Fanfare 2022 held at Toowoomba State High School. The competition adjudicator was Rachel Howley and she made the following comments:
Concert Band – Gold Award
“A confident start to your program. Thank you for an enjoyable performance today and for all of you hard work in preparing for it!”
Junior String Ensemble – Platinum Award
“A warm ensemble tone was present during your performance and nicely developing intonation. It is great to see an ensemble at this level listening to each other so well and following their conductor.”
Senior String Ensemble – Platinum Award
“A confident and well presented group that demonstrate well developed ensemble skills. Great dynamic contrasts displayed with good control of various articulation markings.”
Both the Junior String Ensemble and Senior String Ensemble have also progressed through to the DDSW Regional Final which is being held at the Empire Theatre on Monday 13th June from 1pm to 3pm. Parents are family members are encouraged to come along and support our talented performers.
Congratulations to all of our performers and to conductors Jess Johansen and Cameron Smith and accompanist Matthew Henry. We wish our strings all the best in the regional finals!
Sport News
Well done to our Darling Downs Cross Country runners, pictured below.
Book Fair Competition Winners
Congratulations to our Book Fair Competition Winners who were acknowledged at our whole school parade on Friday 27 May. Charlotte H, Mahlia R, Annika C, Stella F, Emily S, Eloise C and Princess D received a certificate and gift voucher letter for their oustanding entries!
Asthma Medication at School
Now that we are entering the winter season, we are currently reviewing the most recent requirements for self-administration of asthma medication.
A parent/carer can advise the school administration of their decision to allow their child to be responsible for self-managing their asthma if a parent/carer believes that their child can:
- confidently, competently and safely administer the right dose of their own asthma medication at the right times
- can store their medication securely, and
- is aware of the importance of attempting to notify staff if they feel symptoms and intend to self-administer their medication, but not to delay self-administration if they can’t notify a staff member in time.
For primary school students, the principal/delegate is required to complete a risk assessment, considering the maturity of the student.
The principal/delegate may overturn a parent’s/carer’s/student’s decision at any time if there are any significant risks associated with the student self-administering medication during school or school-related activities.
If your child currently carries asthma medication in their school bag or has asthma medication held at the office or classroom, please ensure you first notify the office of your decision to allow your child to self-administer their medication via email and ensure your child’s current asthma action plan is attached. The principal/delegate will then carry out a risk assessment.
Should you wish for staff to administer your child’s asthma medication, please ensure asthma medication is labelled by a pharmacist and brought to the office. You will be required to complete a medication form at the office which will be held with your child’s medication and action plan.
If you have any questions about the above procedure, please contact the office on 4617 7333.
ICAS Assessments
We would like to inform you that Rangeville State School has now registered for the ICAS Assessments this year. We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. These assessments will take place during the day at school. Days and times will be communicated as sitting dates draw near.
Learn more about ICAS here
ICAS Assessments are now online allowing greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.
What you need to do:
2022 Participation
Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for all subjects. Through this system parents need to pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school.
N.B Please read the ICAS privacy statement on the RSS website under Support and Resources - Forms and Documents.
Parent payment system
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
- read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (
- go to Parent Portal here: (
- enter our school’s access code –AIN287
- enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please check cut off dates for each subject register.
A permission form will need to be completed if you wish for your child to participate in this year ICAS. Permission forms can also be found on the RSS website - Forms and Documents or collected from the office.
Judy Keightley
ICAS co-ordinator
Guidance Officer News
Continuing on from last Newsletter, please see the attached article regarding anxiety in children and the Stepladder Approach, courtesy of Melissa Pappin our Guidance Officer.
REP Club Update
REP club would like to say a big THANK YOU to Mr. Will Tait, father at the school, for his advice regarding some of our projects. We’ll be holding a working bee for the REP club gardens early next term on Saturday 23rd July. We’d love some help with our projects if you’re free.
Thanks, Mrs Lanham, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Farmer and Miss Ross.
Parking around the school
Recently we have had some cars parked across private driveways and in bus zones around the school. Whilst we acknowledge that parking can at time be difficult, it is important to keep these areas clear for residents to exit/enter their driveways and buses to collect and drop-off our students.
South and High streets traffic signal installation project
We have a start date for these works. Construction is planned to run from Monday 20 June 2022 to late August 2022, weather permitting.
Construction will be completed from Monday to Friday between 6.30am and 6.30pm. Weekend work will also be required for trenching across roads. The intersection will be open to traffic from Monday to Friday, however temporary lane closures may be required.
A portion of construction will be undertaken during the June/July school holidays to help minimise disruption to the school and broader community.
Local residents will receive a letter advising them of the works next week.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday June 14th at 6.30p in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C office - 07 4617 7354
Book Club
Please remember that Scholastic Book Club is run by P&C volunteers and for each issue, deliveries from Scholastic generally arrive over the course of a few days. If your order isn't sent home on the exact day as others, please leave it a few days before emailing or ringing the school.
Looking to volunteer to help the termly Book Club deliveries? We would love your help! Please email and we will add you to our volunteer's email list.
Father's Day Stall
Putting a call out for any volunteers that would like to work on the set up of this year's Fathers Day stall. Please email Juliette at if you are interested in helping with the early planning of this event.
Election Day Cake Stall and BBQ – Thank you
Thank you to the amazing team of 21 volunteers that made our BBQ and Cake Stall such a success on Election Day, despite the miserable weather. The coffee machine, cake stall and BBQ served over 1,200 people and many enjoyed their democracy sausages because of all of you.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Collection date: Wednesday 15th June - Time TBC
Thank you so much for supporting our Rangeville State School P&C. We as a school sold over 1,400 tubs of Cookie Dough! WOW! Our online ordering has now closed and we look forward to the delivery of the tubs of Cookie Dough on Wednesday 15th June (same day as the Athletics Carnival). We will advertise the exact times closer to the date on our Facebook Page.
Book Fair – Thank you
Thank you to all families for the incredible support of our Book Fair.
Thank you also to all the amazing volunteers that assisted with the smooth running of this event. Your time and help is really appreciated by the whole school and without you events like this wouldn't happen.
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us, as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
State of Origin Meal Deal - Wednesday 8th June - $7
1 day only - first 100 orders
Order on Flexi-Schools to get your meat pie, hot chocolate and origin jelly.
Available both breaks next Wednesday 8th June.
Please note all usual Tuck shop items will still be available to purchase on this date.
Volunteers still needed!
We have a few regular volunteers that we are so thankful for but we really need others who can commit, even for a few hours once a month or after drop off for an hour, to put the labels on the lunch bags. This would greatly assist Nicky in the Tuckshop.
Our kids are so fortunate especially on these winter days to have homemade meals prepared by Nicky each week. Lasagna, Macaroni Cheese, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Butter Chicken, Apple Crumble, and Pizza Quesadillas are available at both break times.
No cash orders will be accepted over the counter before school, please place all orders on Flexischools before 8.30am.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Keep an eye on Facebook and Flexischools for an exciting Pizza & Donut end of term meal deal.
Please email Juliette at or drop in and see Nicky at the tuck shop or Lorna and Juliette in the P&C office near the Uniform Shop to see how you can assist.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
The new Rangeville Reversable Bucket Hats are now here and they look incredible!
Each hat is navy blue with the school logo on one side then reversable to your house colour on the inside. $20 each and in stock at the uniform shop or available to order on Flexischools.
Please note Flexischools orders are not same day delivery. If orders are placed on Flexischools before 4pm, they are generally delivered to the classroom the following day. In peak times it can take up to two school days, but we do our very best to get them delivered as soon as possible.
Avoid the rush on those cold mornings and get in to organise your jumpers, anorak jackets and tracksuit pants now. If you're unsure of sizing, please pop in and see Nicky.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care (ROSHC)
Learning Through Play
Play and leisure activities provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine. When children play with other children they create social groups, test ideas, challenge each other’s thinking and build new understandings. In these ways play can promote positive dispositions towards learning. Children’s immersion in their play illustrates how play enables them to simply enjoy being.
We have been checking the community pantry, shuffling things around and adding to it. Please if you need something, have a look as it might be in there. If it saves an extra trip to the shops then that’s a win. The community clothing rack has been set up this week so keep an eye on the space next to the community pantry as we start to implement this into the service. This rack will be for everyone to access with adult, teens and children’s clothing. If you have a couple of items you would like to give to a good cause, please drop them into our office.
We have had children excited to write letters to the nursing home. We are now in the process of making sure that we follow all appropriate procedures to allow this to happen. As per the survey we have undertaken, parents are more than happy for this to go ahead so we are in the process of getting this underway.
This week we have been talking to the children about Reconciliation and getting the children involved in helping us with different parts of our Reconciliation Action Plan. If you have anything you would like to input into this, please come and talk to us.
Vacation Care
Please look out for the Vacation Care Program being released early next week.
ROSHC Learning Through Play
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.