School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 5 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
School Photos 2022
Music News - Fanfare 2022
Asthma and Anaphylaxis Action Plans
Sport News
Health Update and Medication Administration
Guidance Officer News
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Uniform Shop
Lost and Found
Have your details changed?
Delay to South and High streets traffic signal installation project
News from the Community
Principal's News
2022 NAPLAN - Online
Congratulations to everyone involved in the undertaking and delivery of NAPLAN Online this year. Overall it was a fairly glitch free experience and our students and staff should be very proud of their achievements. Thank you to our NAPCO Mrs Williams, our Year Three and Five teachers for their efforts in preparing and supporting our children to do their very best during this experience. Congratulations to our students for the way in which they calmly tackled this learning environment and did their very best. We look forward to our students celebrating their results in the near future.
Democracy Sausage and Cappuccino
This Saturday, our P&C will again be supporting and serving our community as our school becomes a community polling centre. When you come to vote, please support our wonderful P&C Association by grabbing a traditional democracy sausage and a delicious cappuccino or hot drink.
Darling Downs Soccer Trials
Congratulations to Eli B, Ryder W and Noah R who trialled for the Darling Downs Soccer team in Stanthorpe last Monday. All boys did a wonderful job representing our school and Toowoomba.
COVID 19 & Flu Scenario Planning
Last term, we had a number of positive COVID-19 cases throughout the student, community and staff bodies. The majority of disruptions to consistency of staffing occurred in our non-teaching staff. Despite the increased numbers of cases across our school, we were able to minimise disruptions to our classes through the management of DRT and relief staff. We have careful and considered planning in place to ensure that we can minimise the disruptions to classroom teaching and learning and will utilise all available staff to priortise the continuaton of classroom teaching and learning for classes. As of today, we currently have 6 teaching and non-teaching staff who are either COVID positive or being impacted by the current flu. Thank you to our families for your continued support, understanding and careful management of current and future contagious illnesses.
P&C Day – Friday 20 May 2022
This week, it's National Volunteer Week and that means today, Friday 20 May is P&C Day.
At Rangeville, we are extremely privileged to be supported by a wonderful group of hard working and committed volunteers dedicated to providing opportunity and support for the greater Rangeville community. As Principal, I am so appreciative of the way in which our P&C Association work in partnership to promote the interests and improvements of our school to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of our students, staff and families.
Our P&C Association are always generous and willing to assist in providing resources to enhance student outcomes, provide feedback and advice on school policies and activities, and are involved in a variety of school activities including fundraising, school functions, and successfully operate our wonderful Uniform shop, Tuckshop and the Rangeville Outside School Hours Care Services.
Please take a moment to say thank you to our wonderful P&C Staff, Executive and Members. Without their dedication, support, commitment and sustainable business practices, our school would not be in the positive and supportive position. Thank you to our amazing P&C Association and volunteers.
Principal's Quote of the Week
'The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.'
Calendar of Events
Monday 23 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion |
Tuesday 24 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion School Performance Tour Production @ RSS |
Wednesday 25 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion |
Thursday 2 June | School Photos |
Friday 3 June | School Photos |
Monday 6 June | DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) |
Tuesday 7 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) Range Zone Rugby League Trials (Girls 11-12 years) |
Wednesday 8 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre |
Thursday 9 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre State Government-funded Prep Vision Screening Program |
Friday 10 June | RSS Trials for 1500m Track Event |
Monday 13 June | Athletics Carnival (5-8 years) |
Tuesday 14 June | Athletics Carnival Field Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 15 June | Athletics Carnival Track Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 22 June | Year 5 Cultural Day |
Friday 24 June | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 11 July | First Day of Term 3 |
Tuesday 12 July | P&C Meeting |
Wednesday 13 July | Carbal Medical Hearing Health Screening |
Thursday 14 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops |
Friday 15 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops and Concert |
School Photos 2022
School photos this year will be held on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of June. Please see the attached flyer for how to order online.
Music News - Fanfare 2022
A very big congratulations to our ensembles who performed today at the regional heats of Fanfare 2022.
The results are as follows:
- Concert Band - Gold Award
- Junior Strings - Platinum Award
- Senior Strings - Platinum Award
Thank you very much to our wonderful families for their preparation in getting our students organised for the early departure this morning.
To our students, Mr Smith and Mrs Johansen, well done for this well deserved result. Photos and a full report of their performances will be published in the next newsletter.
Asthma and Anaphylaxis Action Plans
Does your child have an Asthma or Anaphylaxis Action Plan? Asthma and Anaphylaxis Action Plans should be reviewed every 12 months and an up-to-date colour copy of your child's Action Plan completed and signed by a medical practitioner needs to be provided to the school's Admin Office. It is imperative that the school is notified of any change in circumstance, including any changes in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions so staff can respond and support your child correctly. Your child may require emergency treatment whilst at school and it is important to have up to date information about the management of your child. Staff will be following up out of date Action Plans throughout the year, as they expire.
Sport News
Toowoomba 11-12 Years Girls Rugby League Trials
Dates: | Tuesday 7th June 2022 Tuesday 14th June 2022 – Final Selections only – subject to numbers |
Venue: | Toowoomba Anglican School, 2 Campbell Street, Toowoomba |
Time: | 3:30pm – 5:00pm |
Age Limits: | Players who are born in 2010 & 2011 are eligible to nominate. Students born in 2012 are not eligible. |
Nominations: | Please see Mr Morris for more information about these trials if you are interested in nominating. The necessary paperwork will be given to the girls whom are considered to be at the right skill level to nominate for these trials. Your interest must be registered to Mr Morris by 27th May to nominate for these trials. Students will receive a number of permission forms and information in the coming weeks. |
Year 5 & 6 Interschool Sport- Friday’s Term 3
Toowoomba Primary Schools Friday Interschool Sports program will recommence in Term 3 for our Year 5 & 6 students. The sports options available are listed below. Please note students playing Rugby League will be required to wear a mouthguard and return a mouthguard permission form to be able to participate. Students playing Football (Soccer) will be required to wear shin pads as part of the CARA guidelines as well.
Term 3 Interschool Sports Options:
- Boys- Rugby League & Football (Soccer)
- Girls- Rugby League, Football (Soccer) & Netball
- Mixed- Softball
Students will nominate and trial for these sports at the end of this term. A reminder to our families that there is a cost associated with this activity. This fee is utilised to cover the costs of Bus hire to transport our students to sporting venues across Toowoomba. Families will receive more detailed information in the coming weeks.
Health Update and Medication Administration
If your child has received a medical diagnosis since enrolment, please notify the office to update their information. If your child requires medication to be administered by school staff such as an asthma puffer or EpiPen, antibiotics etc please ensure it is within expiration date, labelled by a pharmacist and delivered to the office. Parents/Guardians are required to sign a Medication Register providing school staff with instructions and permission to administer medication as per the instructions on the label.
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached article regarding anxiety in children and the Stepladder Approach, courtesy of Melissa Pappin our Guidance Officer.
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday June 14th at 6.30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C is Cashless
The P&C wishes to thank all families for supporting us in going cashless. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly at
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C office - 07 4617 7354
Book Fair - Dive into Reading ON NOW
Our Book Fair is currently being held in the Resource Room. There are two remaining session times where you can visit with your child/ren on Monday 23 May. These times are as follows:
8am - 9am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm (children will also have lunchtime access).
You can pay in person via EFTPOS at opening times (until stock runs out) or order on the Loop Ap from the Wishlist that your child will bring home from class visits. These Book Fair orders will be delivered to the school and distributed like Book Club to classrooms, depending on when the orders are placed on Loop.
Book Club
Please remember that Scholastic Book Club is run by P&C volunteers and for each issue, deliveries from Scholastic generally arrive over the course of a few days. If your order isn't sent home on the exact day as others, please leave it a few days before emailing or ringing the school.
Looking to volunteer to help the termly Book Club deliveries? We would love your help! Please email and we will add you to our volunteer's email list.
Election Day Cake Stall and BBQ - THIS WEEKEND
As Rangeville State School is a voting location on Election Day this Saturday 21st May, we need volunteers to assist with our cake stall and sausage sizzle, both selling and cooking. Can't help or bake then maybe drop off a carton of canned soft drinks to sell at the stall on Saturday morning.
Please don’t forget that all baked goods need to be packaged with an ingredient label and dropped off to ROSHC on Friday afternoon or brought to the stall on Saturday morning. Please note all baked goods need to come from homes that are free of COVID and COVID symptoms.
We thank you for supporting us in any way you can.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Thank you so much for supporting our Rangeville State School P&C. We are seeing some great orders come through on the online portal.
Remember to tell all your neighbours, family, friends and work colleagues about this incredible fundraiser Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough to raise money for our new Rangeville State School community hub including tuck shop and uniform shop.
You can, if none of the 10 flavours appeal, even create your own cookie magic with a NEW Golden Classic flavour – the base of the Billy G’s secret family recipe. Add Hundreds & Thousands, macadamia and white chocolate, anything you like - the sky is the limit on what you can create!
Don’t like Cookie Dough but your Dog might? There is even something for your special furry friends, with a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough! Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough is exclusive to fundraising – so stock up!
Get started! Cookie dough orders must be placed online using the online platform. Create your child’s profile by visiting, and follow the instructions in the order form.
Orders are open until Friday 27/05/22 so make sure you get rolling and create your online fundraising page today.
Volunteers still needed!
We have a few regular volunteers that we are so thankful for but we really need others who can commit, even for a few hours once a month or after drop off for an hour, to put the labels on the lunch bags. This would greatly assist Nicky in the Tuckshop. Our kids are so fortunate to have freshly prepared hot meals at both break times, and to continue this service, Nicky needs some volunteers that can commit to turning up.
No cash orders will be accepted over the counter before school. Please place all orders on Flexischools before 8.30am.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Keep an eye on Facebook and Flexischools for some exciting meal deals later this term.
Please email Juliette at or drop in and see Nicky at the tuck shop or Lorna and Juliette in the P&C office near the Uniform Shop to see how you can assist.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
The new Rangeville Reversable Bucket Hats are now here and they look incredible!
Each hat is navy blue with the school logo on one side then reversable to your house colour on the inside. $20 each and in stock at the uniform shop or available to order on Flexischools.
Please note Flexischools orders are not same day delivery. If orders are placed on Flexischools before 4pm, they are generally delivered to the classroom the following day. In peak times it can take up to two school days, but we do our very best to get them delivered as soon as possible.
Avoid the rush on those cold mornings and get in to organise your jumpers, anorak jackets and tracksuit pants now. If you're unsure of sizing, please pop in and see Nicky.
Lost and Found
Are you struggling to solve the Mystery of the Missing Keys? We may have evidence that could crack the case! Parents, please call or drop by the office where valuable items are held.
Your child can retrieve items from our lost and found before school, at morning tea/lunch breaks and after school each day. The lost and found box is located on the verandah of the uniform shop and holds all the wayward belongings for the school. We have lunch boxes, water bottles, jumpers, hats and more!
Have your details changed?
Please email to let us know if your contact details, family circumstances, work place or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
Delay to South and High streets traffic signal installation project
Toowoomba Regional Council is installing traffic signals at the South and High streets intersection in Rangeville. The project has been delayed and will commence in mid-June 2022, weather permitting. This delay is to line up with Ergon's availability to make the lights operational and remove redundant power poles. It will however enable the construction crew to use the school holidays to complete the works and in doing so hopefully minimise disruptions to the school and general community.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.