School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 3 - 2022
Principal's News
Calendar of Events
Rangeville State School Staff Vacancies
State Government-funded Prep Vision Screening Program
School Photos 2022
Guidance Officer News
Solid Pathways STEM
Darling Downs Hockey Selection
Darling Downs Basketball Selection
Range Zone Cross Country
South West Futsal Titles
Toowoomba Schools Sport Trials
Athletics Carnival
Music News
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Uniform Shop
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care
Have your details changed?
Delay to South and High streets traffic signal installation project
News from the Community
Principal's News
Hey Now You’re A Rockstar!
After many years of planning, we officially turned on our new school bell and emergency sound system this week. This new system has been designed to ensure all classrooms and oval spaces clearly hear the school bell and emergency signals. The old school bell sound has been replaced with an 8 second sound bite of a song – our current sound bite is Smash Mouths – Hey Now You’re a Rock Star. Another exciting part of this news system, as part of our PBL Rewards options, children will soon be able to purchase the sound bite to be played for our school bell signal.
This week we and our neighbours have certainly found that we all can clearly hear the bell system and we are working with the company to review the level of noise that can be heard across our community. We apologise to our neighbours for this current inconvenience and disturbances.
92.1% Daily Attendance
Despite the current health related challenges, our Semester 1 Attendance Data is sitting at 92.1 %. This is wonderful and continues to demonstrate our community’s commitment to Learning, Achieving and Growing every day. Thank you also to our parents and guardians who continue to communicate with our administration staff, providing explanations for our student’s absences. We are required to track explained and unexplained absences and we appreciate your support in this area.
As we move into flu season and balance the requirements of COVID, we appreciate your support and understanding more than ever.
2023 Prep Information Night
On Wednesday, we held our first 2023 Transition Activity for our future Prep Students. It was wonderful to support our 38 adults and their children who were able to attend the evening. Collectively, we enjoyed a tour of the school and a conversation session led by our wonderful Prep teachers. Enrolments (catchment and out of catchment) for 2023 Prep are certainly filling fast and I encourage all current and future families to begin the enrolment process as soon as possible.
Do you know, that we have made our enrolment process easier? Families can now complete the main enrolment form online. Please go to our website and click on the enrolment page and fill out and submit the online enrolment form.
Traffic Lights Upgrade
We have received notification for Toowoomba Regional Council that the traffic lights at the intersection of High and South Streets will be delayed until the June, July Holidays.
Best of luck to our year 3 and 5 cohorts as NAPLAN begins next week on Tuesday 10 May. The NAPLAN testing window is open for nine days until Friday 20 May 2022. To help prepare your child, please ensure they have a good night’s sleep, a suitable breakfast and arrive at school on
time as some classes will be setting up for the test session at 8:50am in the Library. We are treating NAPLAN as just another routine event on the school calendar and we are simply asking students to do the best that can on the day.
Mother’s Day
Thank you very much to the amazing P&C Team of volunteers who created and manned this year’s Mother’s Day Stall. The children have loved purchasing the quality, and various Mother’s Day gifts on offer. Thank you to the ladies, who went above and beyond to ensure that additional gifts were available for our children who had missed out.
I wish all of our Rangeville Mums and significant others a very happy Mother’s Day this coming Sunday.
Calendar of Events
Monday 9 May | DD Boys Football (Soccer) Trials (Boys 10-12 years) |
Tuesday 10 May | DD Boys Football (Soccer) Trials (Boys 10-12 years) DD Boys Football (Soccer) Trials (Girls 10-12 years) P&C Meeting NAPLAN |
Friday 13 May | Zone Rugby Union Trials (12 years) |
Tuesday 17 May | DD Cross Country (Boys and Girls 10-12 years) |
Wednesday 18 May | Book Fair |
Thursday 19 May | Book Fair |
Friday 20 May | Book Fair |
Monday 23 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion |
Tuesday 24 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion School Performance Tour Production @ RSS |
Wednesday 25 May | Year 3 Amaroo Excursion |
Thursday 2 June | School Photos |
Friday 3 June | School Photos |
Monday 6 June | DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) |
Tuesday 7 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre DD Rugby Union Trials (11-12 years) Range Zone Rugby League Trials (Girls 12 years) |
Wednesday 8 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre |
Thursday 9 June | Sing Out at Empire Theatre Range Zone Rugby League Trials (Girls 12 years) State Government-funded Prep Vision Screening Program |
Friday 10 June | RSS Trials for 1500m Track Event |
Monday 13 June | Athletics Carnival (5-8 years) |
Tuesday 14 June | Athletics Carnival Field Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 15 June | Athletics Carnival Track Events (9-12 years) |
Wednesday 22 June | Year 5 Cultural Day |
Friday 24 June | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 11 July | First Day of Term 3 |
Tuesday 12 July | P&C Meeting |
Wednesday 13 July | Carbal Medical Hearing Health Screening |
Thursday 14 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops |
Friday 15 July | Queensland Conservatorium of Music Workshops and Concert |
Rangeville State School Staff Vacancies
Position Vacant: Schools Officer – Grounds and Facilities
Our School is currently looking for a Schools Officer to work 76 hours per fortnight, from 23 May to 19 August 2022. If you are interested in working as our Schools Officer, please see the Expression of Interest below for further details.
Position Vacant: Teacher Aide
Rangeville State School currently has the need for both relief and contract teacher aides. If you are interested in working at the school as a teacher aide, please see the attached Expression of Interest for futher information.
State Government-funded Prep Vision Screening Program
Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.
A Registered Nurse will be visiting the school between 8th and 10th June to conduct vision screening for children in their prep year. If you wish to have your prep child participate in this free vision screening program, please complete an online consent form by 8th June. The online consent link will be emailed to you from the school administration on Friday 13th May.
If your child’s vision is screened, you will be advised of the results in writing. If a vision concern is found, you will receive a phone call from the nurse to discuss referral to an eye health professional for further assessment. If a vision concern is identified and your child requires glasses, eligible health care card holders may be assisted with free basic glasses through the Spectacle Supply Scheme.
Participation in vision screening is not compulsory. If you do not wish for your child to participate in screening, please complete the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening.
If you have any questions, please contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372.
School Photos 2022
School photos this year will be held on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of June (Week 7). A timetable will be created and communicated closer to the event. Please see the attached flyer for how to order online.
Guidance Officer News
Please see the attached poster courtesy of Melissa Pappin our Guidance Officer.
Solid Pathways STEM
A very big congratulations to our Solid Pathways STEM receipients who were awarded Certificates at Parade this morning for meeting the following objectives:
- Explaining the benefits of communication and collaboration to solve problems, and
- Exploring Science Inquiry skills.
Darling Downs Hockey Selection
Congratulations to Tahlia R, Isabella M and Piper W on their recent selection in the Darling Downs Hockey team. This is a very rare occasion to have 3 selected from the same school in the same team. Tahlia, Isabella and Piper will attend the state carnival at Ipswich later this year. Best of luck at these trials girls!
Darling Downs Hockey
Darling Downs Basketball Selection
Congratulations to Georgie P on her selection in the Darling Downs Girls Basketball team. This is Georgie’s second year running to be picked in the regional team. She will attend the State Championships at the end of May. Good luck at the next level Georgie!
Range Zone Cross Country
On Friday 29 April, 29 Rangeville students attended the Range Zone Cross Country trials at Kearney Springs. It was a wet, cold and windy morning for our Zone runners but this didn’t deter our students from doing their best.
Rangeville had a very successful morning with the following students selected to attend the Regional trials on Tuesday 17 May. Congratulations!
Selected students for Regional Trials
10 Years - Mischa G, Lincoln W and Felix W
11 Years - Jemma F, Skyla M and Ryder W
South West Futsal Titles
Congratulations to all the students that represented Rangeville at the South West Futsal Titles. These students all performed to a very high standard both on and off the court. I thoroughly enjoyed taking our students to this competition and it was a fantastic opportunity for me to coach and watch your skills and knowledge of the game on display in front of a large population of people.
From these trials we had nine stand out students that displayed exceptional skills in all areas of the game and were fortunate to be selected in the Queensland West Futsal Team. They will compete at the 2022 National School Futsal Championships later in the year.
These students are Archie F, Noah R, Christopher J, Lennox J, Eli B, Ryder W, Aden L, Harry B and Lincoln W.
Thank you very much to all the parent support before, during and after this competition. Your efforts make these days run efficiently.
South West Futsal Titles
Toowoomba Schools Sport Trials
Interested students please see Mr Morris for more information and to nominate for these trials.
Rugby Union - 5, 6 & 13 May
Girls Rugby League - 7 & 9 June
Athletics Carnival
Please see the dates below for the end of term carnivals. Timetables for events will be released in the coming newsletters.
Senior 1500m Event - Friday 10 June
Selected 9-12 years students will take part in the 1500m race as part of the Senior Athletics event list. Students that placed 1-15 in the Cross Country race will qualify to be in this race. Interested students that are outside of this qualifying can see Mr Morris to enquire about nominating for this event.
Junior Carnival (5-8 years) - Monday 13 June
This carnival is for all students born 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Students will take part in a number of track and field events throughout the day.
Senior Carnival Field Events Day (9-12 years) - Tuesday 14 June
High Jump, Long Jump, Discus and Shot Put. Students born 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 will take part on this day.
Senior Carnival Track Events Day (9-12 years)- Wednesday 15 June
Sprint, 200m, 800m and Relays. Students born 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 will take part on this day.
Music News
We wish the year 5/6 voices choir and small group choir all the best when they compete in the Toowoomba Eisteddford next Friday night!
Rangeville State School P&C Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Tuesday May 10 at 6.30pm in the Resource Room. We hope you can join us.
New to Rangeville? A warm welcome is extended to our new families. We have a very active and involved P&C here at Rangeville State School. We would love to meet you and have a chat about the many different ways you can be involved.
P&C Going Cashless
The P&C wishes to notify our school families that we will be following the school's recent decision to "go cashless".
This decision was discussed in detail at our recent Annual General Meeting and unanimously voted upon by all present P&C members. Click here to see more information on Flexischools if needed Flexischools Link
The "going cashless" system will include:
Uniform Shop: Orders to be placed via Flexischools; eftpos facilities are available in-store.
Tuckshop: Orders to be placed via Flexischools; cash sales offered for small items purchased during each lunchbreak.
Bookclub: Orders to be placed via Loop app/website; cash orders will still accepted via the dropbox outside the P&C office.
P&C Events: Mostly run via Flexischools, or as per P&C directions.
ROSHC: All accounts to be paid via direct debit - this has already been communicated directly to our ROSHC families.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the P&C Executive directly:
Mother's Day Stall
Thank you so much to all our volunteers that offered there time so generously so everyone could enjoy the experience of the Mothers Day Stall.
Everyone’s orders on Flexischools have now either been collected or been sent to the class teachers for any one that may have paid through FlexiSchools and weren’t able to collect themselves.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Thank you so much for supporting our Rangeville State School P&C, especially through fundraising. This term, we are running a Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough fundraiser to raise money for our new community hub, tuck shop and uniform shop.
Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough is an exciting fundraiser, made by an Australian, family owned and operated business. There are ten (10) dough-licious flavours to choose from, including the most popular Choc Chunk and Caramel White Choc.
You can also create your own cookie magic with a NEW Golden Classic flavour – the base of the Billy G’s secret family recipe. Add Hundreds & Thousands, macadamia and white chocolate, anything you like: the sky is the limit on what you can create! There is even something for your special furry friends, with a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough! Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough is exclusive to fundraising – so stock up!
Get started! Cookie dough orders must be placed online using the online platform. Create your child’s profile by visiting, and follow the instructions in the order form. Orders are open from Monday 9/5/22 until Friday 27/5/22 so make sure you get rolling and create your online fundraising page today. PLEASE NOTE RSS COLLECTION DATE IS WEDNESDAY 15/06/22 (WEEK 9 TERM 2) IF YOU CANNOT COLLECT ON THIS DATE OR ARRANGE COLLECTION PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR ORDER AS WE WILL HAVE NO STORAGE FACILITIES FOR YOUR DOUGH OVERNIGHT.
How do prizes work? Every student who sells a tub will receive an incentive prize for their efforts! But why not aim higher? The more tubs you sell the more prizes you will receive! There are 12 prizes up for grabs, so why not set your own fundraising goal and aim for them all? Prizes are automatically ordered at the end of our fundraiser based on the number of tubs you have solFamily and friends are your greatest supporters, so make sure you ask them for support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time!
Happy fundraising!
Contact details
P&C Committee –
Operations Manager –
Phone P&C Office - 07 4617 7354
Volunteers Still Needed!
We have a few regular volunteers that we are so thankful for but we really need others who can commit, even for a few hours once a month or after drop off for an hour, to put the labels on the lunch bags. This would greatly assist Nicky in the Tuckshop. Our kids are so fortunate to have freshly prepared hot meals at both break times, and to continue this service, Nicky needs some volunteers that can commit to turning up.
No cash orders will be accepted over the counter before school. Please place all orders on Flexischools before 8.30am.
Small cash purchases of drinks, ice blocks and snack items (no preprepared food) at both breaks will still be accepted.
Keep an eye on Facebook and Flexischools for some exciting meal deals later this term.
Please email Juliette at or drop in and see Nicky at the tuck shop or Lorna and Juliette in the P&C office near the Uniform Shop to see how you can assist.
Uniform Shop
Monday and Tuesday | P&C Uniform Shop 8.30am – 9.00am |
Wednesday | P&C Uniform Shop 2.30pm – 3.15pm |
Nicky has let us know that the Uniform Shop is fully stocked with all items.
Avoid the rush when a cold snap hits and get in to organise your jumpers, anorak jackets and tracksuit pants now. Order on Flexischools before 4pm and the items will be delivered to your child's classroom the next day. If you're unsure of sizing, please pop in and see Nicky.
Dollar BLUE spot items are still for sale – there is plenty of stock so pop in now to secure your second-hand items for a bargain price.
We would like to thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to meeting some new volunteers at some of the upcoming events. If you are new to the school, we also ask you to visit us as we have so many ways that you can help, we just need to meet you.
Rangeville State School P&C Association Outside School Hours Care
How we can give back to our community?
Since coming back from holidays, a lot of the children have been talking about community groups they are involved in and have been explaining what they believe a community means. With this, a lot of the older children have explained to the younger children that being a part of the school is being a part of a community and being at ROSHC is another community branch of the school. We have been doing a lot in our program around communities and some of the children and educators have been contributing amazing ideas on how we can give back to the community. Over the next couple of weeks, we will continue to source ideas from children, parents and educators for not only creating awareness but to also select and implement as many suggestions as we can.
A lot of children and educators agreed that to start with, and to go along with our community pantry/ library, we should do a community clothing rack. This was one of the many suggestions to help those in need. In the coming days we will be setting up a clothes rack in the foyer of the big hall and will be collecting donations of clean and useable unwanted clothing and shoes. The children have expressed that they would like to help families of the Rangeville State School and ROSHC communities with items they may need. If you are doing a clean out of unwanted/unused clothing and shoes, please donate them to the rack to help out others in need of something. So please donate what you no longer want and take what you may need.
In the foyer of the big hall there is also a community information wall which contains school and P&C related information, sporting club information, community events happening and community help services for many different areas of need. If you are wanting to promote any community events or clubs please let us know we can check it and put a flyer up for you.
From the team at ROSHC we would like to say Happy Mother’s Day to all for Sunday.
ROSHC Community and Mother's Day
Have your details changed?
Please email to let us know if your contact details, family circumstances or emergency contacts have recently changed so that we can update your details.
Delay to South and High streets traffic signal installation project
Toowoomba Regional Council is installing traffic signals at the South and High streets intersection in Rangeville. The project has been delayed and will commence in mid-June 2022, weather permitting. This delay is to line up with Ergon's availability to make the lights operational and remove redundant power poles. It will however enable the construction crew to use the school holidays to complete the works and in doing so hopefully minimise disruptions to the school and general community.
News from the Community
Please note that although the following notices may be included in the school’s Newsletter, they are published in good faith and do not necessarily have the school’s endorsement.